Friday, May 31, 2019
First day of class :: Essays Papers
First day of classThe first day of class was absolutely not that bad as I thought it would be. The time that I picked was great its not to last but its not too early. It s still the right time to get to class. The classroom was as scorching alike(p) the desert. It is very hot in the class. It makes write in the class hard to do but that is almostthing I guess I just have to struggle with. Just like Columbia is around this time of year. The class also seems to have some interesting people in the class. There was a assign of dance and film majors there so I consider were bound to here some intense storys.I was really strike on how well organized Alexia Hall was with the class she seem to know where she wanted to the class to be at the end of the semester. We were past bulge with the class policies and a syllabus of what we were going to do the whole semester. I thought this was very convenient so that there was no mixed signals in the group. Alexia Hall the teacher personally s eems to be a person who does not like to play games with her students. She seems like a straight froward person. I have a tinting she has heard a lot of excuse of why students do not have their papers. She warn us not to swallow killing off are family when paper are due. Which I thought it was funny, because even as a student I have heard some crazy stories about people who just kill of there whole family when a paper due or a test day. I feel that the class is tremendously large, but that ever changes at mid term I feel that over 40 % will drop the class they always do. I am just hope that I am not one of those people to drop out of class. The class seems to go really fast. I like the way we can say and write the way we feel about the subject matter. Having the Internet access is also a plus just for the fact that we can look up information on topics and write about it. Class participation was great everyone joined in on the discussion. plenty in the class felt comfortable talk ing out loud and putting there two sense in.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Humorous Wedding Roast by a Friend of the Groom Essay -- Wedding Toast
Humorous Wedding Roast by a Friend of the GroomGood evening Ladies and Gentlemen Id exchangeable to start by saying that what a genuine honor it is to be part of Normans wedding. I appreciate that I am just one of many another(prenominal) equally suitable close friends that he could well have chosen. But I know he looks upon me as the older brother he never had, and I look on him as the younger brother I never wanted. So here I stand with this great opportunity to chance on to all, Normans past misdemeanors. So I could trot out the usual stories like when he woke up in a football theatre wearing a red thong and swimming goggles. But instead, Ive decided to use this time to talk of Normans achievements, so you neednt worry, were almost at the end of the speech. Without doubt his greatest achievement is marrying Janet, who looks absolutely stunning today. Youve done extremely well Norman, youve f...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Wealth and Democracy :: essays research papers
wealthiness and majority rule. By Kevin Phillips. (New York Broadway Books, c. 2002. Pp. vii, 422. ISBN 0-7679-0533-4.) Wealth and Democracy clearly illustrates and emphasizes the importance of Democracy being endangered. The precedent Kevin Phillips, Americas ahead(p) political analyst since 1968 and a graduate of Harvard Law School appears very informed and credible. Wealth and Democracy bylines and explains the politics of the morsel half of the 20th century. In this agree Phillips primarily explores how the rich and politically powerful often work together to create and continue to take advantages at the expense of the national interest, the tenderness class, and the lower class. The book contains several interesting chapters on history and an analysis of present-day America that reveals the dangerous politics that go with the concentration of wealth. Finally, Phillips gives warnings of new radicalism and argues that the corruptions of wealth and power are destructing the United States. Wealth and Democracy examines the history of Britain and other leading world economic powers to point out the symptoms that signaled their declines such as spoilt finance, increasing international debt, record wealth, income and unsatisfying politics. Many of the signs that led to the decline of Britain were noticeable signs in America as it entered the twenty- initial century. One might be surprised at the way Phillips emphasizes the despiteful practices of the rich considering his republican background. However, due to Phillips increased knowledge of the GOP (Grand Old Party the first Republicans) He has concluded Republicans economic polices and biases of the 1990s and early 2000s betray the legacy of who He considers the two greatest Republican presidents, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Wealth and Democracy performs a splendid stage business of convincing one that democracy is endangered and that the practices of the rich and those in power can be deceitful. For the most part the book is easy to follow, fairly organize and has an exceptionally good index. However Phillips could have done better when making references to his previous works because they are confusing and unclear.Wealth and Democracy essays research papers Wealth and Democracy. By Kevin Phillips. (New York Broadway Books, c. 2002. Pp. vii, 422. ISBN 0-7679-0533-4.) Wealth and Democracy clearly illustrates and emphasizes the importance of Democracy being endangered. The author Kevin Phillips, Americas leading political analyst since 1968 and a graduate of Harvard Law School appears very informed and credible. Wealth and Democracy outlines and explains the politics of the second half of the 20th century. In this book Phillips primarily explores how the rich and politically powerful often work together to create and continue to take advantages at the expense of the national interest, the middle class, and the lower class. The book contains several interesting chapters on his tory and an analysis of present-day America that reveals the dangerous politics that go with the concentration of wealth. Finally, Phillips gives warnings of new radicalism and argues that the corruptions of wealth and power are destructing the United States. Wealth and Democracy examines the history of Britain and other leading world economic powers to point out the symptoms that signaled their declines such as speculative finance, increasing international debt, record wealth, income and unsatisfying politics. Many of the signs that led to the decline of Britain were noticeable signs in America as it entered the twenty-first century. One might be surprised at the way Phillips emphasizes the despiteful practices of the rich considering his republican background. However, due to Phillips increased knowledge of the GOP (Grand Old Party the first Republicans) He has concluded Republicans economic polices and biases of the 1990s and early 2000s betray the legacy of who He considers the two greatest Republican presidents, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Wealth and Democracy performs a splendid job of convincing one that democracy is endangered and that the practices of the rich and those in power can be deceitful. For the most part the book is easy to follow, fairly organized and has an exceptionally good index. However Phillips could have done better when making references to his previous works because they are confusing and unclear.
College Essay -- essays research papers
Essay 3College ordain be a major change for me in all likelihood, it depart probably be the most significant transformation I will experience. It will be a time of growth and learning. In order to admit to these many changes I hope to mature both emotionally and spiritually. In doing so, I will influence those around me and the community as a whole. I anticipate that my life experiences will prove to be valuable to me and to those I come into contact with.I have had many challenges to overcome thusfar. Ive had problems with family members, with girls, with friends, provided most significantly, problems with myself. I have made the wrong decisions and I have had trouble realizing what is important to me. I now know what steps I read to take in order to become a better person and to stay on the path that I have chosen. I hope to keep back this pattern of emotional maturation by accomplishing my goal of academic excellence while attending Gonzaga. I have already promised myself a nd God that I will not participate in any activity that will lead me astray morally or academically. I am confident that the experience of lifetime on my own will be an education in itself. My father recently retired from the military so I have moved many times. I am very good at meeting all of the challenges that entails. But it is through my work with mentally challenged adults that I have realized the importance of cosmos happy with yourself.Throug...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Against Schools Essay -- Analysis, John Gatto
In John Gattos probe Against Schools he states from experience as a school teacher that argon current educational system is at fault (148). He claims that classrooms atomic number 18 often filled with boredom manufactured by repetitive class work and unenthusiastic teachings. Students argon not livelyly engaged and challenged by their work and more often than not they have either already covered the concepts taught in class or they just do not understand what is being taught to them. The children contained in classrooms have come to believe that their teachers are not all that knowledgeable about the subjects that they are teaching and this advances their apathy towards education. The teachers also feel disadvantaged go fulfilling their roles as teachers because the students often bring rude and careless attitudes to class. Teachers often wish to change the curriculums that are set for students in order to create a more effective lesson plan, but they are restricted by strict reg ulations and consequences that bind them to their compulsory teachings (148-149). An active illustration of John Gattos perspective on our educational system can be found in mike Roses essay I Just Wanna Be Average (157). Throughout this piece of literature the author Mike Rose describes the kind of education he received while undergoing teachings in the vocational track. During Mikes vocational experiences he was taught by teachers that were inexperienced and poorly trained in the subjects they taught. As a result, their lesson plan and the assignments they disposed(p) for class were not designed to proficiently teach students anything practical. For example, the curriculum of Mike Roses English class for the entire semester consisted of the repeated reading of ... ...o regard for themselves. He believes that students will become more active and informed citizens if they are brought up to think for themselves (155). Gattos proposed solutions can be found successfully utilize in Mike Roses essay. In his essay he describes the mediocre education he received while on the vocational track. Mikes future was looking rather grim until he came under the instruction of Jack MacFarland. This man was a wise and enthusiastic teacher who challenged students academically. He encouraged and inspired students to read, to be proactive in their classes, and to think for themselves. His classes were engaging and the students were interested in his teachings (165-167). The fact that the same solutions that Gatto proposed in his essay was successful utilise elsewhere proves that teaching practices need and can to change for the better.
Against Schools Essay -- Analysis, John Gatto
In John Gattos essay Against Schools he states from experience as a school teacher that are current preceptal system is at fault (148). He claims that classrooms are often filled with boredom manufacture by repetitive class work and unenthusiastic teachings. Students are not actively engaged and challenged by their work and more often than not they absorb either already covered the concepts taught in class or they just do not understand what is being taught to them. The children contained in classrooms have come to moot that their teachers are not all that knowledgeable about the subjects that they are teaching and this advances their apathy towards education. The teachers also feel disadvantaged while fulfilling their roles as teachers because the students often postulate rude and careless attitudes to class. Teachers often wish to change the curriculums that are set for students in order to create a more effective lesson plan, but they are restricted by strict regulations and c onsequences that bind them to their compulsory teachings (148-149). An active illustration of John Gattos perspective on our educational system can be found in microphone Roses essay I Just Wanna Be Average (157). Throughout this piece of literature the author Mike Rose describes the kind of education he received while undergoing teachings in the vocational track. During Mikes vocational experiences he was taught by teachers that were inexperienced and ailing trained in the subjects they taught. As a result, their lesson plan and the assignments they prepared for class were not designed to proficiently teach students anything practical. For example, the curriculum of Mike Roses English class for the entire semester consisted of the repeated reading of ... ...o commemorate for themselves. He believes that students will become more active and informed citizens if they are brought up to think for themselves (155). Gattos proposed solutions can be found successfully applied in Mike R oses essay. In his essay he describes the mediocre education he received while on the vocational track. Mikes future was looking rather grim until he came under the instruction of dump MacFarland. This man was a wise and enthusiastic teacher who challenged students academically. He encouraged and inspired students to read, to be proactive in their classes, and to think for themselves. His classes were engaging and the students were interested in his teachings (165-167). The fact that the same solutions that Gatto proposed in his essay was successful applied elsewhere proves that teaching practices need and can to change for the better.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Alfred Lord Tennyson †The Charge Of The Light Brigade Essay
Discuss the poets different attitudes to war, as presented in The Charge Of The wispy Brigade and characterisationA more experienced poet known as Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the Charge Of The Light Brigade. He was born in 1809 and died of old age in 1892. He wrote The Charge Of The Light Brigade in solvent to a Newspaper Report from the Times, which was written by W.H.Russel, so his understanding of the war was from second hand knowledge, he was removed from the action. conflicting Wilfred Owen, who wrote Exposure. Owen was born in 1893 and died at a precise young age in 1918. The reason for his young death was, he was a crack upicipant in the war and died during battle, so his was writing from his own experiences. Although Owen was a less experienced writer, his poems only really became known after his death, as he had a less authorative voice.The main similarities mingled with the two poems is that they ar both writing about wars, nevertheless both wars are from a differe nt time and so are fought in al unitary different moods. Tennyson wrote The Charge Of The Light Brigade about the Crimean war, which was originally between France and Russia plainly Britain joined because she worried about her security. The Crimean war was fought on horseback, which meant that it would be all over fairly quickly. I think this because it would switch been one charge, this battle would thusly have gone on until all the soldiers in one side were injure or dead. He was truly far removed from the action, as he didnt even witness the war, so his poem written is third hand. Where as Owen wrote Exposure from prototypic hand experience. For these reasons I may be able to place more value on Wilfred Owens poem. The First World warfare was fought over several years and the soldiers spent a lot of that time in trenches.The mood, tone and language in each poem are only different from the separate. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade the mood is very hang and gives the feeling that all the soldiers, were excited about what they were doing. This is helped by the fact that Tennyson doesnt go into the atrocities of the war, instead writing of When horse and hero fell. Here he is basically saying that they have been shot down, but the way Tennyson puts it, its like its not that dramatic, when it is. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade it doesnt really distinguish those soldiers that died in battle and those that lived, Then they rode back, but not the six hundred. This is what I think plays a big part in making the mood of the poem so light, as it avoids death, which is upsetting. Where as in Exposure the mood is very depressing and dismal as Owen is constantly saying how the soldiers were existence attacked in different ways.He manpowertions the weather attacking them, which bay window be seen from in the merciless iced winds that knive us. As well as things like the barbed wire in front of the enemies trenches, Like twitching agonies of men amongs t its brambles. withal the poem doesnt mention soldiers attacking them, which may indicate that the weather and other things were more threatening and chilling, then the enemy. In Exposure Owen speaks of the soldiers irritation and this is what I think makes the poem so dis nerve centerening to read, because he is trying to appearance how war causes suffering and reduces the soldiers. Unlike Tennyson who is trying to value and glorify the soldiers and so making the poem seem more pleasant. However in some ways the poems are similar as the language used indicates that poets generalise and infer all the men in the war.The Charge Of The Light Brigade is a lot more structured then Exposure. This is because in Tennysons poem he talks about the different stages of the battle, where as Owen doesnt really mention battle, its more about the soldiers suffering. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson goes done with(predicate) each stage of the battle, within each individual stanza. So in the first stanza the soldiers have been dressed to start their charge. The second stanza is quite an important part of the poem, as we discover that the soldiers had been given over the wrong order. However because they are so disciplined and loyal to their country, no one questions it. Tennyson is trying to glorify and honour the soldiers so he simply says, Not though soldiers knew, someone had blundered. In the third stanza the soldiers are in range of the enemys guns and in stanza four, the soldiers are compel to turn back because so many men have been killed.Even though at this point the British soldiers are being defeated Tennyson emphasises their bravery. That takes the readers attendance off the fact that they are losing so badly. An example of this is, Sabring the gunners there. The word sabring has been used very cleverly as it gives the reader the impression that the British soldiers were hacking forward at the Russians, because Tennyson was writing the poem to honour The Light Brigade. In stanza 5 the British soldiers are up to now not out of danger despite play back, as more Russians have come in quarter them, so even more soldiers get killed.Stanza six is simply Tennyson reflecting on their bravery. In Exposure there isnt such an obvious structure. In stanza one Owen talks about the soldiers being attacked by the weather and in stanza two they are being attacked by the enemys barbed wire and it goes on like this. The weather is continually being described in different ways, one very effective way is when Owen uses alliteration, Dawn massing in the East her melancholy army. There is no real throw oution to the poem because it mirrors what is handout on in the war, as they are stuck in trenches.The round of drinks in each poem is completely different form the other. The Charge Of The Light Brigade has a very lively and energetic feel to it, this is due to its incredibly fast pace. In contrast Exposure has a very slow rhythm like t he progress of the war. However in the third stanza there is a change in pace and it picks up just a little bit. This is due to the rhythm looking like the bullets being described in the stanza, Sudden successive bullets streak the silence like the shells being shot in The Charge Of The Light Brigade. unless the pace returns to its gloomy rhythm in the next stanza. In The charge Of The Light Brigade the rhythm of the poem sounds very much like the rhythm the galloping horses would make, this keister be seen from Half a league, half a league onward, all in the valley of death rode the six hundred. I to a fault think that the discipline of the British soldiers shows in the discipline of the rhythm.Each poem gives a completely different characterization of war, because they were written for different purposes and from different points of view. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson uses a lot of similes and metaphors to create tension in the poem. He in like manner uses simil es to give the reader a better design of the battle and to show how heroic the soldiers were. Where as in Exposure Owen uses similes and metaphors to show how much the soldiers around him have been reduced, and the only thing they have to keep them tone ending is happy memories. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade the first noticeable and most repeated image is All in the valley of death. I think that Tennyson choose to describe the charge like this because death is a very moving word. The word all unites the soldiers and due to the image of the extreme danger, given by the word death, shows the soldiers bravery, it also gives the idea of a big sacrifice.Not only do we get the feeling of danger, but Tennyson also discreetly describes sounds, through the use of onomatopoeia, Volleyed and thundered. I think that this is really clever, as it adds realism to the poem. When Tennyson uses alliteration, the words he uses sound like the hissing of the artillery on the battlefield. An examp le of this is Stormed at with shot and shell. Tennyson uses euphemism to describe the British soldiers killing the enemy he uses words like flashed and sabring. The British soldiers are basically killing people, but the way Tennyson describes it, its as if they are doing it elegantly and some gracefully. All of these images give the main picture that the war was glorious. The reason we get this image of the war is because Tennyson overcompensates the realities behind euphemism, unlike Owen who shows the war for what it really is. Right from the first word our we immediately know that it has been written from the point of view of the narrator.Owen gives a very chilling image to the war because he has experienced it, he can say what he has seen and felt. The use of personification shows how the soldiers looked on the outside Attacks once more in ranks, on ranks of iciness grey. Here Owen is talking about the weather attacking the soldiers, because the soldiers looked so grey and du ll. Owen also adds shivering to the sentence, which could show that not only were they shivering because they were cold, but because they feel cold in their hearts like theyve been forgotten.Owen uses alliteration to emphasise that the men have no luxuries, unlike Tennyson who used alliteration to show the excitement of the war. In Exposure the uses of alliteration gives the reader the image that its as if the weather is trying to find them to put them through more distress, this can be seen from Pale flakes with fingering stealth come feeling for our faces. However I think Owen saves the most moving image for the end, unlike Tennyson who reflects on the resolution of the men during the battle, Owen shows just how terrible it is. In the final stanza Owen creates a very fuddled image, Pause over half-known faces. All their eyes are iced.To begin with it seems as though Owen is talking about the dead soldiers eyes being iced, because they are dead, but he is also talking about all t he soldiers who are still alive and have to look at them. Owen is saying that in order to cope with what the soldiers have to face out in the trenches their eyes have also iced over, as they have no feeling any more. In Exposure we get the impression that it is probably easier to be dead, as you have gone to a better place and the pain and suffering stops, as soon as your spirit leaves your body. When I read Charge Of The Light Brigade I didnt feel very much inside, because the images that were given through the use of personification and other things were glorious. In Exposure the image seemed very real, because the poet was really writing from the heart and it made me feel quiet and lonely inside.Exposure and The Charge Of The Light Brigade both use repetition to show the reader that there have been casualties in the war. In The Charge Of The light Brigade different words are repeated to highlight different things. To emphasise the courage of the charge Tennyson repeats, Forward, the light brigade and The valley of death, which gives the idea that there is no turning back. In stanza two, triplet lines begin with their. This is used to show the discipline of the soldiers, that not one of them is questioning the wrong order. At the end of the first three stanzas Tennyson is still repeating, Rode the six hundred, this use of repetition gives the idea that the soldiers are still alive.However the final line of stanza four, Not the six hundred shows that not all the soldiers were going to come back from the valley of death. In stanza five some of the lines from stanza three are repeated, Cannon to the right of them, this gives the idea that even though they are on their way back the danger still surrounds them. At the end of stanza five Tennyson has said, Left of six hundred. He is still repeating six hundred, but has changed the words in front of it, to give the idea that the bet of losses was more then the number of survivors. Exposure doesnt have has much re petition in as The Charge Of The Light Brigade, but it in addition has the majority of its repetition at the end of each stanza.The repetition of But nothing happens in three of the stanzas and the final stanza, give the image that the soldiers are almost waiting to die. The use of repetition in this ways indicates that they feel forgotten, because they have gone out to the trenches to do a origin, and they are unable to do that job properly. In stanzas five, six and seven Owen repeats, dying at the end of each stanza. By doing this I get the impression that not only are the soldiers dieing because they are being attacked, but their spirits are dying as well as their love for things, its like they have lost themselves in the strong winds that surround them. So in both poems the use of repetition sums up the casualties of war, in Exposure they are shown in a more harsh way, then in The Charge Of The Light Brigade.Both poems are completely different in the way they portray the war, in that Exposure uses realism and The Charge Of The Light Brigade uses euphemism. The reason for there being such a lot of euphemism in The Charge Of The Light Brigade is because Tennyson wants to praise the soldiers. He also uses euphemism to hide behind the grim realities of life. A very good example of euphemism in the poem is, Sabring the gunners there. It is basically saying that the British soldiers were hacking away and killing the enemy, but it isnt described like that because the aim of Tennysons poem was to honour the soldiers. The word sabring makes the British soldiers sounds elegant and sophisticated, as if they arent doing anything wrong.So in order to honour the Light Brigade Tennyson hides behind euphemism. In contrast Owen uses realism in his poem because he wants to show war for what it really is. In everything he says he is very blunt and relates even the simplest things to every day horrors. By using realism Owen shows the reader that the only thing the soldiers have to keep them going are memories, an example of this is, Slowly our ghosts drag home glimpsing the sunk fires glozed. This emphasises that the soldiers have no luxuries and how now they take nothing for granted, because they now realise it isnt forever going to be there for them. The reason for The Charge Of The light Brigade using euphemism and Exposure using realism, is because each writer is trying to give a different image of the war, for different reasons using these methods.In conclusion both poems appear to be very similar when I first looked at them, however the only thing they have in common is that they are both about wars. The reason they only have this in common is for two reasons. The first reason is that both wars were completely different types of wars. The second reason and the most important, is that the writers show different attitudes towards war. In Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson wrote the poem to honour and glorify the soldiers that fought in the war. So the way he presents the poem, its as if Tennyson is saying that war is good thing to part of.I think the other reason for him putting such a positive image on the war was because he didnt fight in it, therefore there are no feelings included in his poem. So because Tennyson approves of the soldiers loyalty there are no signs of irony. Where as in Exposure Owen, who fought in the war, is able to include feelings. due to having such a horrible time in the trenches, these feelings are sad and seem painful, putting war in a completely different light. Unlike Owen, Tennyson believed that no good could come from war, and although Owen is against war Exposure isnt an anti-war poem. However the one attitude that both writers show in their poems, is that you have to fight sometimes to preserve what is good.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Apush Supplemental Reading Notes- Early Settlements
APUSH SUPPLEMENTAL READING NOTES Early Settlements by James bird of Minerva Please answer each question thoroughly and completely. If you have treated this assignment lightly, you will be at a disadvantage in physical composition essays that call for substantial and appropriate outside information. Read Early Settlements (http//www. gilderlehrman. org/history-by-era/ earliest-settlements/essays/early-settlements ) by James Horn and complete the prompts below. In two or three healthy thought out sentences, summarize the major phase of this reading. (Please be thorough. This will be very important to you late in the year when reviewing for the AP test)In this reading, the causality wrote about the early English settlers of the New World.He opens with a quote from a passage from the 16th century that speaks about the colonies in the new world, and how England should get come to and start to colonize as well. The author then goes into detail on the establishing of the 13 coloni es of England in the New World and later on, the lifestyle in toll of immigrants, diversity, and population. The article ends talking about the expansion from the original 13 colonies to what would make Britain known as the acknowledged master of North America. In a couple of sentences, what was the bias of the author? From what perspective does the author writepolitical, social, and economic? Why is this world-shattering in the document you have read?Related article Apush Taxation Without Representation DbqWhile most essays and articles seem to have some form of bias, I do not pick up in any style a sense of this at any time in the reading. He conveys his message of Englands rise to dominance of North America, maybe slightly hinting at bias in that sense, alone nonetheless, in a writing style hat displays facts one by one, and gets straight to the point. This style of writing is clearly significant in the document simply because it is an easy way to limit bias, and shorten the article, therefore making it more reader-friendly for some- if not most readers. Continued on the next page Different from the what is the main point question above, list several things that you learned from this reading, things that you did not know before doing this reading. Treaty of Utrecht (1713) gave Britain control of the areas of Hudson Bay, Acadia (Nova Scotia), and Newfoundland Spanish were compound in the French and Indian War The British 13 colonies grew in population (nearly 5 times size) over 60 years Surges into the backcountry (west of Appalachian) began so early (early 18th mainly) Black populations grew even more rapidly from about 20,000 in 1700 to 326,000 by 1760 Rice became the third great staple of Britains transatlantic commerce, on board West Indian sugar and Chesapeake tobacco 5,000 Algonquians who lived along the coastal plain of Virginia when the English first arrived, only about 1,000 remained by 1700 The purpose of this assignment is to overhaul you be prepared to refer to historians or historically significant individuals in your AP test essays.In the space below, write down quotes from the document that you think might be useful. Try to be selectivechoose those that are genuinely typical of the writers thinking or that highlight a major point in the writers thinking or argument. Include page numbers so that you can find them again when we review. English indentured ervants, Ulster Irish, Catholic Irish, Scots, French Huguenots, and tens of thousands of Germans from the Rhineland and Swiss cantons moved into the coastal plain flocked to the burgeoning port cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia trekked along fertile river valleys into the interior and pressed on toward the Appalachian Mountains Together, Virginia, Maryland, and the Lower South accounted for fully 87 percent of all Africans and African Americans living in the mainland colonies in 1760 The turn of the century witnessed a new direction in En glish colonizing activities. Peace with Spain in 1604 brought an end to privateering, plunder, and the need for a North American base from which to attack Spanish shipping Jamestown, founded on May 14, 1607, barely survived its first five years.A cabal of disease, Indian attacks, faction, and the failure to make any significant discoveries or profit brought the colony to the edge of collapse on several occasions and discouraged act investment. The discovery of a lucrative cash crop, tobacco, which could be cultivated extensively in Virginia and brought a handsome return in England, saved the colony but not the Virginia Company, whose exclusive charter was revoked in 1624. SOURCE http//www. murrayschools. org/MHS/apus/ 10. 1. 2007
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Brand Management of Cadbury
Cadbury The Brand The Cadbury strike off enjoys a high level of brand virtue in Ireland. Research shows 96% of consumers recognise the brand, while 74% state that when it comes to chocolate, only Cadburys will do There are three principal(prenominal) brand describe strategies Family brand names The parent brand is also known as an umbrella brand. This term is given to product ranges where the family brand name is used for all products. The advantage of this approach is that positive associations with the parent brand will transfer to all sub-brands.The risk however, is that if one brand is unsuccessful or falls into disrepute, the reputation of the complete family of brands can be tarnished. Cadbury is a family brand. ? Individual brand names (or multibrands) In this case each brand is created and named separately and has a separate identity. Using a family brand may not be suitable as the brand determine may be too outlying(prenominal) apart. ?Combination brand names This appr oach allows for the optimal use of the corporate (family) brand name, while allowing an individual brand to be identified, e. . Cadbury Dairy take out. Developing brand identity BRAND PYRAMID A brand pyramid can help managers plan and analyse a brands identity. The top point of the pyramid consists of the brand core. Brand core values are the genetic code of the brand and remain the same over time. Closely related to these values is the brand proposition the promise the brand makes to consumers. This proposition should be easy to understand and appeal to the target market.The middle tier represents the brand style or elements of the brands identity that represent the self image of the brand and need to be relatively stable over time. The base of the pyramid is organise by the brand themes which are concerned with how the brand currently communicates through its advertising, packaging, physical appearance etc. Brand themes are flexible and change with fashion, proficient developm ents and changing consumer tastes.The brand pyramid helps managers understand the strengths of the brand and ensure consistency of its message. This also helps to identify opportunities for brand stretching and brand propagations. A brand extension is the use of a well known brand name on a new product within the same broad market or product category. We will discuss this in relation to the Dairy Milk brand. Brand stretching is the use of an established brand name in unrelated markets or product categories. Brand Extensions and Elements Cadbury India Cadbury is mainly into three segments Chocolates Cadbury India is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market in India with over 70 per cent market share. The leading brands in this category are Cadburys Dairy Milk, Fruit & Nut, Crackle, Temptations, 5 Star, Perk & Celebrations Gift boxes. Sugar Confectionery Cadbury Dairy Milk Eclairs is one of the leading brands in this category. It is amongst the largest eclair brand s in the market in terms of value share. Cadbury also owns Halls (which was acquired as a part of the global acquisition of the Adams handicraft from Pfizer in 2003).Halls is amongst the largest brands in its segment of Minty/ Breath freshness brands in India. Food Drinks Cadburys Bournvita is a leading brand in the brown drinks segment of milk/ malted food products. Cadburys other products include Drinking Chocolate and Cocoa powder. Overall share in the malted food drinks market is estimated to be around 19 per cent. The company has recently made a foray into snacking category with Cadbury Bytes, its sweet snacking brand. The company has been performing well in India.
Friday, May 24, 2019
American Registry for Internet Numbers Essay
1. American Registry for Internet be (ARIN)- Provides services involving technical coordination and management of lucre number resources. They raise the internet through the management of internet number resources and coordinates the development of policies for the management of IP number resources. They also provide services for technical coordination and management of internet number resources in its respective services region. The services include IP address space apportionment and ASN allocation, transfer and record maintenance. B. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)- Responsible for the allocation of globally unique names and numbers that are used in Internet protocols that are published as RFC documents and for organize some of the key components that keep the internet running efficiently. They allocate and maintain unique codes and numbering systems that are used in the technical standards/protocols that drive the internet. Among much(prenominal) protocols are the domain names, number resources and Protocol assignments. C. Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC)- An organization that manages the internet number resources within Asia. They provide the number resource allocation and registration services that support the global operation of the internet.2. An Ipv4 uses 32 bit IP addresses. The max number of of IPv4 addresses is approximately 4 billion.3.The max number of Ipv6 addresses is about 48 billion.4.The world ran out of Ipv4 addresses February 1, 2011. All networks must now allocate Ipv6 addresses.5. Ipv4 addresses are exhausted6. Ipv4 is still being used because the address pool supports the insistent demands and extends its usefulness. Also because Ipv4 and Ipv6 are not compatible.7. No because you cant resell them.Sourceshttps//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Microecnomics Exam
Intermediate Microeconomics Fall 2005 Midterm Exam Direction This is a close book, close notes exam thither is 100 points possible, please even up attention to the weights as you allocate your time the exam starts at 330 and ends at 500 sharp. Good luck 1. (25 points) Consider the utility functionpic. 1) Is the laying claim that more is better satisfied for both goods? 2) What is pic for this utility function? 3) Is the pic diminishing, constant, or increasing as the consumer substitutes pic for pic along an indifference curve? . (25 points) A consumer purchases two goods, pabulum pic and clothing pic. Her utility function is given by pic. The price of food is pic , the price of clothing is pic, and the consumers income is pic. 1) What is the demand function for clothing? 2) Is clothing a normal good in this case? 3. (25 points) Suppose that Natashas utility function is given by u(I) = I0. 5, where I represents annual income in thousands of dollars. 1) Is Natasha fortune loving, risk neutral, or risk averse? Explain. ) Suppose that Natasha is currently earning an income of $10,000 (I = 10) and can earn that income next year with certainty. She is offered a chance to take a new speculate that offers a . 5 probability of earning $16,000, and a . 5 probability of earning $5,000. Should she take the new job? 3) In (2), would Natasha be willing to buy insurance to defend against the variable income associated with the new job? If so, how much would she be willing to pay for that insurance? 4. (25 points) Suppose a consumer has the two period utility function picpic here picrepresent the amount of consumption in period 1 and 2 respectively. The consumers income consists just of inherited assets A in period 1, and there is no income in second period. If the remaining income is invested in an asset, it can earn a rate of interest r. 1) Interpret the economic meaning of the parameter pic in the utility function. 2) receive the optimal allocation ofpic, and illust rate it with the graph. 3) Explain how the optimal consumptions in periods 1 and 2 vary with A, r, andpic.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How Far Was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905?
How far was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, trustworthy for the outbreak of the 1905 Revolution? The Russo- Japanese War, although an important rationale for the outbreak of the 1905 Revolution , was caused by many separate problems which make a foundation for the War as well as the Revolution. Due to the War the economy suffered, adding on to the problems that Russia was already approach from a overlook of preceding modernization, making this very important as the majority were touched cause them to revolt.Furthermore, Russia lost against Japan in the War portraying the Tsar as weaker compared to how he was already viewed by the population, making this an other(a) very important factor as the Russians felt they needed a stronger leader and in sadness turned to basal political parties. In adjunct another important factor is, the extremist parties in particular, felt that the autocratic rule of the Tsar was causation Russia to suffer, seeing that the people were not mac rocosm heard resulting in them gaining extremist views and rebel.The Russo- Japanese War was a short term factor, which was only partly responsible for the outbreak of the Revolution. The Russian military lost miserably to the Japanese and this was a huge blow to the Russians as due to censorship, they had always conceived the Japanese to be subscript and weaker, making them certain that they would win. The defeat was seen as national humiliation, helping to cause unrest towards the Government and making the Tsar look weak, giving encouragement to the revolutionaries.In addition the overall cost of the War was very high, meaning that the already suffering Russian economy was plummeted further into trouble resulting in the tarnishing of the order finances made by Witte. However, it mainly helped to prolong the Revolution as many of the events of the war took place after the Revolution had begun. Long before the Russo-Japanese War had begun, Russia was still facing Economic turbulenc es and this is one of the main contributors to the outbreak of the Revolution.A revolt by the Peasants who were discontent due to only small individual plots for each family being distributed and bad harvests meant that at that place was massive industrial growth, resulting in an economy boom and building expectations of a better life for peasants . An industrial slump caused kind discontent of economic fortuity as Russian peasants and workers forced the uncertainty of poverty and poor living conditions. This caused major resentment to the Tsar both in industry and agriculture with his social and economic regime.In addition, due to Russia being backwards, even under Witte the Russian economy had failed to reach or exceed the output in production of goods as the other Great Powers although being the largest continuous land Empire. The low production in goods meant that Russias trade too suffered. The overall state of the economy meant many problems which were causing much unrest such as poor living conditions were left unresolved and the resentment towards the Tsar continued to grow. Russia was under autocratic rule and this is also one of the main contributors to the outbreak of the 1905 Revolution.Autocratic rule was disliked by many as many people believed that under the Autocratic rule Russia was suffering and in that location needed to be a change in the way the country was led in order for the country to progress. This caused many political groups to gain extremist views. The extremist groups such as the Social Revolutionaries became very popular as they wanted to give political power to the peasants, who made up 80% of the check population and solving their problems would mean that the whole of Russia would benefit greatly.This shows that the groups were becoming more organized and strategic in the way they worked as they were targeting the biggest problems, in addition in order to gain publicity and get their message and views across, political gr oups were responsible for over 2000 assassinations which included the Interior Minister, Plehve and the Tsars Uncle, Grand Duke Sergei, the Governor of Moscow.Furthermore, the demand for political right continued growing as just like the Russian economy, Russian politics was also backwards and unlike other European states, Russia had elected bodies being the Zemstva, instead of an elected national parliament. This meant that the Russian population had no say in how the country was run which angered many and in turn meant that they support extremist political groups in an attempt to force political change. Alexander iis reforms were also partly responsible for the outbreak of the War.Although the Emancipation of Serfs play was passed in 1861,the peasants were still not completely free as they could not leave their villages without permission from the elders. The fact that they also had to pay redemption payments for 49 geezerhood added to their animosity towards the Tsar. In addit ion, landowners had to sell their land to the Government, meaning that they were in great debt and like the peasants their resentment towards the Tsar continued to grow. Due to Russias economical state many of these problems continued to grow as did the resentment.The weaknesses of Nicholas ii, although not as important as the other factors such as economic and political, also influenced the outbreak of the Revolution. As Russia was under autocratic rule, the majority needed to be under his control. This was very hard for Nicholas as he was very shy and timid, not qualities the Russians admired in their leader. His image was also affected by events such as the Russo-Japanese War as the result meant that Russias pride was damaged. Bloody Sunday also affected how he was viewed by his Country as he had been accused on turning against his own people.It was also said that he had no political knowledge, which many people blamed for Russias turbulences. Therefore people saw him unfit to ru le. Bloody Sunday was only minutely responsible for the outbreak of the Revolution as it was merely a spark. Although it was only a short term cause it had a damaging effects that angered many. Although the Tsar was not present at the time it still harmed his popularity as he was no longer the Little Father who was on their side and would listen to them if they petitioned.He had destroyed the trust causing them to revolt. In conclusion, the Russo- Japanese War, although important as it highlighted and added to many of the issues already present in Russia, was merely a factor that prolonged the Revolution. The most important factors were the Economical and Political, as they showed Russias latent issues whereas the War made people more aware. The Russo- Japanese War itself was a problem that helped merely to prolong a revolution that would boast occurred even without it.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pitfalls in executive information systems (EIS) development
As identified by Watson, EIS failures are due to the following factors Lack of executive bide The support during the period of development is very essential. The support from the higher management with regard to information transparency and belief for the arrangement would define better activity lifecycle and speed in implementation. Often information convention from higher management is poorly managed and lacks standard processes for recording mechanism.As not enough documentation is done, the primary stage of IS development is miscarried and entire lifecycle suffers. Undefined system objectives The system objectives are practically revised and requirements are poorly defined. The scope of such systems is open and is never seized, thereafter making the system development in an wispy fashion. The system objective is not understood from the very beginning. The idea is to determine and set right goals for the system. Such initiatives are often neglected and not documented well. Undefined goals push activities to a different path and lack enough direction to succeed (McNurlin, 2009). Inadequate support staff The support staff are often inadequate and unskilled to handle the development. The high skill individuals are often lacking for the development of EIS, which demands effective resources with years of aligned experience. Such shortages pose a danger to the development. Improper planning The planning of the EIS system development is often is not adequate and lacks risk management information.The idea is to make the right model of the system in conjunction with confused organizational objectives and the scope of the system. Such analysis often lacks and thus the system development fails. Planning the EIS system into various sub-systems for development makes the system development planned, however often the system knowhow makes it quite difficult to understand the entire system and thus the development of framework becomes difficult. References McNurli n B. C. and Sprague R. H. (2009). information Systems Management in Practice (8th Ed). Prentice Hall.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Looking Glass Self states that we imagine
The Looking glassful Self states that we imagine how we appear to some others and how we imagine others reaction to our imagined appearance and that we evaluate ourselves according to how we imagine others nonplus judged us. Every day of my life that I leave the house to go to school or to utilization or even to do shopping I spend a long time in the mirror trying to reassure myself that I smell alright, when I go out, I imagine that population I pass by wager at me and get that I do not look good. I imagine them passing on judgments at me, commenting at my hair, my shirt, my shoes, my over all appearance etceteraThus when I meet someone who says that I look good, I usually tell myself that they are just saying it out of politeness and that they are just to ashamed to tell me I look awful. I understand now that our self-concept is influenced by how we think other hoi polloi see us and that it is a very dangerous path to take, because our belief in who we are is dependent o n other people and we will end up continuously comparing ourselves to others which ultimately lead us to facial expression negatively about our selves.When I watched the video of Reviving Ophelia, I felt alarmed at how media has become a greater force in shaping how teens be maintain and think about themselves. The media portrays what the ideal teen should be and they are sending the message that girls should be provocative and sexy, that to feel good they should make every drift to catch the attention of boys, and the most popular with the boys are the best.After watching the video, I watched TV and took notice more of the present advertisements that targeted teens, and I was appalled at how blatantly sexual the messages are. I strongly feel that something should be done about this advertisements, and that parents and the school should take a more active role in the lives of teens beyond the home and the classroom.Upon completing the readings for chapter 3, I think I earn a bett er understanding of how teens develop their self-concept and their identities. Erikson calls this identity crisis, which refers to the phase that any adolescent undergoes to establish his/her identity and this is a process wherein other peoples perception are the most influential. A rate of theorists have explained this phase and have come up with varied explanations ranging from the biological to the psychological and even to the idea of generational differences. What I have learned is that an individual is affected by society and that society affects the individual in a number of ways.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Esprit Strategic Analysis Essay
In regard to a research of microenterprise in Macau, casino and gambling enterprise is the main source of in observe to the Macau parsimony. everywhere 80% of in amount is contri stilled in 2012. However, microenterprise is in like manner taking an essential role to the healthy long-term relegatement to the topical anesthetic economy.By doing so, a agglomerate of diffe drive strategies go for to be conducted in each bon ton in lay to achieve the goal. Strategic Management is a way to identify competitive advantage and analyze the native and external factors which influence ones performance. It also helps in making a pealingdle of decisions for future direction and attaining sustainable development by formulating and actioning appropriate strategies.In this report, comp any background information, pot and mission, a series of dodge formulations and analysis ar all toldow ford. Further much than, applying various strategies in actions and implementation ar tie in t he following.INTRODUCTIONCaf Thai miscellany Loi Kei is one of the historical cafe in Macau and their exclusive hand-made porc whirlybird bun is the icon while it go out come up in mind of locals and tourists when senmagazinent of Macau. It was established in 1968, with approximately 50 years of history primed(p) at the Thaipa village. The initiate owner of the cafe was Ms. Kuok Loi Ho but the origin is transmitted to her daughter Ms. Chan Ka I and differentwise deuce family members. In the 1960s, Thaipa village is not well-developed as what people see today where there were lots of firecracker factories nonplus up there. Ms. Kuok was originally operating this kind of communication channel but it involves high risks and accidents were often occurred during that time.She later modify her business in opening a cafe which was interchange drinks only. At that period, there were many Portuguese working at the Municipal Council at Thaipa next to the cafe. Ms. Kuok was taught by a Portuguese to view as a pork whoop bun with special Portuguese sauce and it kick the buckets the reputable pork chop bun nowadays.Following the success of the business, more stock certificates argon rapidly opened in Macau and even Hong Kong. Besides of the flagship store at the Rua do Cunha, it cornerstone also be found in Venetian and one near Ruins of St. Paul. The food items argon diversified for options which fish ball, squid, beef, and pork chop rice with onion sauce and so ontera are served as well. With good word-of-mouth and reputation and being recommended by many guidebooks, their main customers are tourists and it is said that the siamese connection florilegium pork chop bun has to be tried when every tourists come to Macau.MISSION concord to the owner of Caf Thai florilegium Loi Kei said, their mission is Whoever talks about pork chop bun, the first shop mention come up with in their mind is Tai wreath Loi Kei. Our throng thinks that it is n ot strong enough in regard to be a good mission tale therefore, we cave in further developed a more comprehensive mission statement below. To be the principal role of pork chop bun market not only in Macau, but also expand the business to South- eastern hemisphere Asian countries.As a top family style pork chop bun store, we are determined to reinforce our image by designing our own logo, slogan and mug of coffeehouse Tai chaplet Loi Kei. With the insistence of fresh ingredients used and friendly sentimental service, we are committed to serve high value and quality products to all visitors and local residents at debateable impairment.In set up to meet the customers needs and demand in the rapid changing market, we will continue to develop freshly technology applying in food production and innovative products. Our dedicated group up is also responsive to hearty community in hiring uneducated local employees as well as contribution in good-will activities, in where prov iding growth opportunity and building a more familiar relationship to employees.VISIONWe are transforming the original operation pattern to microenterprise, with regional franchise operations not only limited to Macau but also to the South- due east Asian market. We believe that an accelerated utility will be kept over the next few years. We will constantly design and launch new menu items in consent to the local appetite in the market. Our goal is to make a remarkable profit for every branch of Caf Tai lei Loi Kei and go through everycustomers expectation. STRATEGY FORMULATIONi. remote Factor military rating Matrix (EFE)Caf Tai lei Loi Kei tombstone External FactorsOpportunitiesWeightRatingWeighted noticeIncrease number of tourists coming to Macau0.1530.45 erupt economy in South easterly Asia and Mainland china0.1030.30 Increase in Macau peoples purchasing mightiness0.1030.30 promotion coupons inc draw and quarterd in Macaus official tourist map may help profit awaren ess0.0520.10 Cooperation with the callowness punitory institution may help finding manpower0.0530.15 ThreatsCustomers are free to change another scar to consume pork chop bun0.1020.20 increase number of rivals in the township selling similar product0.1510.15 Increasing heart and soul of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer0.0520.10 Local people revoke to work in small-middle enterprises0.0520.10 Negative comments from online reviews and locals0.0520.10 Negative news in Taipas flagship store in celestial latitude 2011 (required to close by IACM)0.0530.15 People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays0.1020.20 TOTAL1.002.30Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total plodding score of 2.30 revealing that the company is below average in its performance to implement strategies that capitalize on external opportunities and avoid threats.ii.Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei Key Internal FactorsStrengths WeightRatingWeighted ScoreOld history and reputable tain t name0.1040.40Use central manufactory to pay back pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition0.0530.15 Earning profit every year0.1540.60 drawing card to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China0.1540.60 Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategies0.1030.30 WeaknessesLow educational level of all level of the employee0.0520.10 Lack ofmanpower0.1010.10High selling price compares to similar products in the market0.1520.30 Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula0.0530.15Most products are in high calories 0.1020.20TOTAL1.002.90Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total weighted score of 2.90 indicating that the company is above average in its effort to implement strategies that utilize on inbred strengths and minimize weaknesses.iii.Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)Two core competitors are identified in accordance to geographic location, product, quality and price. Caf E.S.KIMO is the first Taiwanese coffee shop in Macau (MGTO , 2012), with the immersion of local favors. It also provide famous pork chop bun with a very nice unit price of cleanse 13. It has many branches across the town as well as mainland China. In the Taipa branch which just located opposite to Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei, it placed an easy-up banner (see picture 1) outside of the store showing that Macaus famous pork chop bun only sells MOP 13 (see picture 2).Another competitor is Taipas famous pork chop bun (named Taipa pork chop bun below) located in Rua do Cunha, which also selling pork chop bun with unit price of MOP 23 and Kopi Luwak (a kind of high quality coffee).Caf Tai Lei Loi KeiCaf E.S.KIMOTaipa Pork Chop BunCritical triumph FactorsWeightRatingScoreRatingScoreRatingScore Advertising0.1020.2030.3010.10Food Quality0.1530.4530.4520.30Dietary Consideration0.1020.2030.3020.20Service Quality0.1030.3030.3020.20Price Competitiveness0.1020.2040.4020.20Management0.0330.0930.0920.06Financial Position0.0530.1530.1520.10Customer Loyalty0.0520.1 040.2010.05Reputation0.0540.2040.2020.10Global Expansion0.1520.3030.4510.15Market Share0.0530.1540.2020.10Accessibility0.0330.0940.1210.03Atmosphere of Restaurant0.0420.0840.1620.08 fundamental1.002.513.321.67According to the result of CPM, it shows that Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei has a total weighted score of 2.51 which is just above average. examine to the other deuce core competitors, the company is situated in the middle while Caf E.S.KIMO is performing the shell among them.iv.Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE)According to the result of the SPACE Matrix, it showed that the strategic position of Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei is aggressive (1, 1.11). The environment is stable, have the strong competitiveness and pecuniary background. The appropriate strategies are retracted, forward, even integration, market penetration, market development, product development and diversification.v.SWOT MatrixStrength1.Old history and reputable brand name2.Use central manufactory to produce pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition 3.Earning profit every year4.Attractiveness to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China 5.Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategiesWeakness 1.Low educational level of all level of the employee2.Lack of manpower3.High selling price compares to similar products in the market 4.Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula5.Most products are in high caloriesOpportunities1.Increase number of tourists coming to Macau2.Better economy in South East Asia and Mainland China3.Increase in Macau peoples purchasing power4.Promotion coupons attached in Macaus official tourist map may helpincrease awareness 5.Cooperation with the youth punitory institution may help finding manpowerS1, S4, S5, O2 Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland ChinaS1, O1, O2, O3 dictate more efforts on the advertizement and promotion in existing marketThreat1.Customers are easy to change anot her brand to consume pork chop bun 2.Increasing number of competitors in the town selling similar product 3.Increasing amount of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer 4.Local people refuse to work in small-middle enterprises5.Negative comments from online reviews and locals6.Negative news in Taipas flagship store in December 2011 (required to close by IACM) 7.People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays-W3, T3 Acquire provider company to lower the personify W5, T7 Develop healthier product to capture the market share of the healthy pursuali.Acquire supplier companyAccording to the W3 and T3, it shows that Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei is suffering the very high rent in Macau, oddly the shop located in the Taipa old town which costs them almost MOP 150,000 per month. Furthermore, Tai Lei has set the selling price in a high level comparing with other similar products in the market in order to balance their financial statement. However, it does not help with the cost issue. We sugge st that backward integration strategy would be suitable for them.Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei has already taken care of their distribution therefore, they can acquire just about of the supplier companies much(prenominal) as the company which provides loot and pork chop. With the implementation of this strategy, they can have kick downstairs control in the cost of their business and they talent lower the price to attract more customers. ii.Develop healthier productNowadays, people concern their health more than before. The trend of the current environment is tent to buy healthy and green products and companyalways arouses well-being. However, the products of Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei are high calories and fats and its not what the current market looks for. According to the W5 and T7, it indicated the need to develop healthier food. For example, Tai Lei can invest a new product which claims at healthiness, such as using organic vegetables, low fat milk, vegetable oil, etc.iii.Expand the busin ess to South East Asia and Mainland China According to the strength 1, 4, 5 and opportunity 2 and the concept of the market development, it discloses that Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei have a strong power to expand their business out of Macau. They are successful and have a long history of their business and have already accumulated a well reputation.In addition, they are famous to the South East Asia and Mainland China. Its attractiveness to the investors from those countries to invest a new business in there. Moreover, the economy of South East Asia and Mainland China are doing well nowadays, its one of the motivators that Tai Lei should expand their business to the 2 markets.iv. endue more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market In strength 1 and opportunity 1, 2, 3, we suggest Tai Lei can pass water a new strategy with application of market penetration. Tai Lei owns two branches in Hong Kong and tercet in Macau. Hong Kong and Macau are popular tourism cities in th e world, especially Macau the number of tourists coming to Macau is increasing rapidly. Moreover, gibe to the opportunity 2, there is better economy in South East Asia and Mainland China, and the main tourists of Hong Kong and Macau are come from those countries.Advertisement and promotion can help to introduce Tai Lei to those tourists before the company enters to these two new markets. For example, using celebrities to promote the brand and product or distribute coupons via different channels. If Tai Lei put more efforts to do the advertisement and promotion in Hong Kong and Macau, it can attract more consumers and increase the market Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)A QSPM for Caf de Tai Lei Loi KeiAcquire supplier company go under more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting marketExpand the business to South East Asia andMainland ChinaDevelop healthier product External FactorWeightASTASASTASASTASASTASOpportunities1.Increase number of tourists coming to Macau0.1510.1540.6020.3030.45 2.Better economy in Southeast Asia and Mainland China0.1010.1030.3040.4020.20 3.Increase in Macau peoples purchasing power0.1020.2030.3010.1040.40 4.Promotion coupons attached in Macaus official tourist map may help increase awareness0.0530.1540.2000.0030.15 5.Cooperation with the youth correctional institution may help finding manpower0.05-------- Threat1.Customers are easy to change another brand to consume pork chop bun0.1020.2040.4010.1030.30 2.Increasing number of competitors in the town selling similar product0.1520.3040.6010.1530.45 3.Increasing amount of rent in Macau may lead Tai Lei suffer0.05---- 4.Local people refuse to work in small-middle enterprises0.05--- 5.Negative comments from online reviews and locals0.0510.0540.2030.1520.10 6.Negative news in Taipas flagship store in December 2011 (required to close by IACM)0.0510.0540.2020.1030.15 7.People seek for healthier food and beverage nowadays0.1010.1020.2030.3040.40 Sub Total1.0 01.303.001.602.60Internal FactorWeightASTASASTASASTASASTASStrengths1.Old history and reputable brand name0.1010.1040.4030.3020.20 2.Use central manufactory to produce pork chop to ensure same quality and acquired ISO recognition0.05---- 3.Earning profit every year0.1510.1530.4540.6020.30 4.Attractiveness to investors from South East Asia and Mainland China0.1510.1530.4540.6020.30 5.Strong marketing team to develop new promotional programs and expansion strategies0.1010.1040.4030.3020.20 Weakness1.Low educational level of all level of the employee0.05-------- 2.Lack of manpower0.10---3.High selling price compares to similar products in the market0.1540.6020.3010.1530.45 4.Limited amount of branches in Macau Peninsula0.0510.0540.2030.1520.10 5.Most products are in high calories 0.1010.1030.3020.2040.40 Subtotal1.001.252.502.301.95Sub Total Attractiveness Score2.555.503.904.55As the table of QSPM for Caf de Tai Lei Loi Kei show that the left two columns are extracted verbatim from the EFEM and IFEM of Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei and also note that four alternative strategies 1) Acquire supplier company 2) Develop healthier product 3) Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China 4) Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market were from the companys SWOT Matrix.Moreover, the Attractiveness Score (AS) from1 to 4 is used to reveal each strategys attractiveness given the individual external or internal factor, where 4 is the best and 1 is the least attractive. Work row by row in developing the QSPM and decide which strategy is the best for the external or internal factor. subsequently conducted the QSPM, the strategy of Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market was highly recommended base on the result of the sum total of the Attractiveness Score from QSPM and it acquired the highest score of 5.50.The second recommendation strategy is Develop healthier product and the third one is Expand the business to S outh East Asia and Mainland China due the priority of the Attractiveness Score, which is 4.55 and 3.90. QSPM can be important information for a firm to make decision of strategies. The strategy of the Attractiveness Score below 3 in the QSPM is not taken into the consideration.The reason of chosen Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market as the highly recommend strategy, the Attractiveness Score of this strategy in the sector of external factor, there are twoopportunities are rated as 4 and two rated as 3 reflecting that the strategy was attractive enough to fulfill those opportunities and one of the opportunities is not related those opportunities are related to the market trends the chance for increasing sales because the tourists, especially the South East Asian and Mainland China tourists, are flooding to Macau tourism market and the booming economy increase the spending ability of local people as well.In addition, two threats about the competitors become more and more because of the opportunities that they can gain the market share of pork chop bun, besides two threats related to lots of negative comments, news are appeared on the internet, newspaper and magazine. Therefore, a strategy of Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in exiting market got the highest score on Attractiveness Score because it can against this situation by create more promotional advertisements and distributed by mass media in order to capture the largest amount of pork chop bun market share, by the way this strategy can break the negative comments and news as well.The remaining one about the shortage of man power in Macau cannot solve by the firm themselves due to the government policy. On the other hand, in the internal factor, two strengths are rated as 4 and two strengths are rated as 3 to show that Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei has the ancient and reputation brand name, the ISO recognition and the new hire marketing team so it is attractive en ough to get the attention of investors all over the world, besides they had good financial report on earn profit per year.Thus, Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market can be chosen as a tool to attract more investors so as to expand the pork chop bun market by the promotional advertisement about the ancient and reputation brand name and cooperate with the new hire marketing team, the expanding no longer focus on Macao but Southeast Asia. And one strength does not have any relationship of this strategy.Moreover, one of the weaknesses is rated as 2 and one is rated as 4 related to higher price and do not have enough branches in Macau, so the promotional poster or promote in the travel guide book to emphasis the ancient brand name with where to buy breeding that can be a good solution to against the weaknesses which already excited in Tai Lei, what is more one of the weaknesses is rated as 3 for the less of healthier food, thus first at all, Tai Lei pr ove some health product then use Putmore efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market to do more promotion of the related product. And the other weaknesses are no impacted on this strategy.STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATIONi.Acquire supplier companyAcquisition is one of the backward integration methods. Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei could acquire suppliers such as the pork chop and bread suppliers, etc. This benefits Tai Lei because it eliminates the profit which normal suppliers get from Tai Lei, causing reduction of cost. Upon the acquisition, Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei may have to keep all the original staff of the suppliers. However, the organizational culture of the two firms may be different so it becomes difficult for Tai Lei to persuade all staff to have full commitment to the Caf. Remuneration package have to been discussed again in order to harbor all experienced staff.ii.Develop healthier productInventing and creating new flavor products will be a way for Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei to sur vive in the keen competition. Customers are always looking for new products and innovations, especially some healthy food. After the launch of new products, it takes Tai Lei a long period of time to test the market response and to see whether the customers accept the new products or not. Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei will definitely bear the risk that the new products do not help them to expand the product line and obtain good response from customers.iii.Expand the business to South East Asia and Mainland China It costs Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei a lot to expand a new market, such as some South East Asian countries. They have to spend a lot on marketing campaigns and promotion methods. Tai Lei has to tolerate the heavy marketing expenses and at the same time, bear the risk that the customers from new market do not accept this kind of new products. The marketing strategies with high cost will affect Caf Tai Lei Loi Keis profit.iv.Put more efforts on the advertisement and promotion in existing market Byapplying the same concept with the expansion of new market in South East Asian countries, Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei has to spend a lot to emphasis more on the marketing effort inwardly the existing markets, Macau and Hong Kong. It will be beneficial for them to focus more on the existing market since it is easier to retain customers rather than attracting new customers. However, the high marketing cost decreases Tai Leis revenue at the same time.CONCLUSIONCaf Tai Lei Loi Kei is a local brand with long history, selling its headmaster pork chop bun to delight customers with most efforts. According to the interview result and data, we created a brand new vision and mission for Tai Lei. Those interview result includes its internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats and many other factors which may affect the future development and performance of Tai Lei.A number of matrixes have been conducted to better analysis the current situation of Tai Lei. After all the mat rixes analysis, four strategies have been developed. We suggest Caf Tai Lei Loi Kei to adopt these four strategies, in order to further develop and expand its own business and have a more prosperous future.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Leading marines
Identify the composes mission (task and purpose) in writing this take hold. The authors purpose in writing this book was to explain the role of the leader in the Marine Corps. To accomplish this the author used examples of corps values, ethos, individual courage and unit spirit. 2. What take leave of the book was the just about effective in accomplishing the authors mission? What part of the book was the least effective? The part of the book that I study is most effective at accomplishing the authors mission is chapter three Challenges. Friction dominates war, it makes simple tasks hard. The author touches on how friction affects us anywhere from the marine-air- object task force guttle to the most forward fghting positions and how getting over the brick wall that is adversity is learn to being able to lead marines. 3. What does the author assume to be true in order to accomplish his mission? Does the author validate these assumptions in the book? The author really shows the importance of the lessons we learned in tutelage camp and OCS as the basis of what is needed to accomplish any mission.The author validates these assumptions as he goes back to what we learned in training as xamples of how we should carry ourselves as leaders and Marines. 4. The part of the book that is most relevant to what I / we do is The part of the book that is most relevant to what we do is chapter three. The author talks about Friction and overcoming altercates in everyday life such as physical challenge and the importance of being combat effective. This is relevant to me because I think physical fitness is key to anyone in the Marine Corps who wants to be a leader. . Identify the authors specific and implied conclusions. What I took as an implied conclusion was that theres a bigger purpose for veryone and you wont know what that purpose is unless you take risks to find that purpose. What part ot the book was the most ettective in accomplishing the authors The part of the b ook that is most relevant to what l/we do is chapter three. The ground task torce down to the most torward tgnting positions and now getting over purpose. 1.Identify the authors mission (task and purpose) in writing this book. ground task force down to the most forward fighting positions and how getting over The part ot the book that is most relevant to what I / we do is 6a. With assess to the authors conclusions (either specified or implied), I / we ccept or contain with the following I agree with the implied conclusion that the fundamentals of leading marines is engraved in each of us as marines in boot camp or OCS and that those fundamentals are the basis of being a leader and a Marine. b. With respect to the authors conclusions (either specified or implied), I / we reject or do not agree with the following in that location was nothing that I did not agree with. 7a. This book made a favorable impression on me and it will change the way I approach This book will definitely make me think back to the basics when I am approached with adversity.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Herbal Medicine Essay
Anything that exists on the landed estate has a need for survival. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), herb tea medications refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, fauna and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, constitute and prevent illnesses or to maintain well-being. Different types of herbal tea tea medicines be widely applied in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to meet primary health-care needs. Herbal medicines have maintained its popularity in most regions of the developing world. The industry is also rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. Worldwide, among all the different tralatitious medicine systems, tralatitious Chinese medicine (TCM) is currently the most popular, followed by Indian medicine.Herbal medicine refers to using a plants seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of stately medicine. It is also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It is becoming more than main stream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such(prenominal) as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and dischargecer, among others. Herbal supplements are best taken beneath the guidance of a trained health care provider.Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of good deal worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care. In Germany, some 600 700 plant based medicines are available and are prescribed by some 70% of German physicians. In the past 20 years in the United States, public dissatisfaction with the cost of pre scription medications, unite with an interest in returning to natural or organic remedies, has led to an increase in herbal medicine use. Whenever a culture attempts to assimilate alien ideas, social stresses are bound to occur, especially when such ideas threaten the dominion of major economical and political interests. Mistakes are likely to arise while attempting to lend oneself these ideas.In the case of Chinese herbal knowledge, its use by people unfamiliar with its rules and protocols invariably leads to mishaps any the herbs or formulas fail to work as expected, or worse, side effects whitethorn result whenever herbs are used in contraindicated conditions. In the political and economic realms, government regulators unfamiliar with the unique characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine may impose restrictions upon Chinese herbal practice that inhibit its in effect(p) application and repress its future development within our culture. The effectiveness of modern herbal practice suggests that we begin our search by understanding the complete meaning of herbalism. Herbs are grown and collected from all over the world. thither is nothing magical about an herb effective medicinal herbs can be found everywhere that plants grow.There is indeed a necessity in making life better by introducing natural herbal dietary supplements in the country. Within the past decade, herbal medicine has gained increasing importance, with both medical and economic implications. In developing countries particularly, as much as 80percent of the indigenous population still depends on traditional systems of medicine and medicinal plants for healthcare. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below.* Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimers disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circula tion in the legs). * Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to throw out mood, enhance well-being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders.* Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous expanding upon of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night.* Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both practiced and gentle. * genus Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the bodys natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most c ommonly used herbal products, but studies are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. We chose to have a research study on this affair because I think this can be a way of spreading awareness among people that in that location can be cheaper way of treating from upset stomachs to headaches. They are also considered natural and thitherfore healthier and gentler than pompous drugs. So, why is there need to spend so much on expensive drugs uselessly when there is a better option.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech
I. Introduction A. thesis Im here today to convince you that we should continue to use foot cell question treat gracious disease and abnormalities. B. learns 1. Claim 1 To begin, melodic theme cells restrain the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2 Ill deliver you that the potential of base of operations cells are endless and committing to look for can only prove so a great deal more. 3. Claim 3 Finally, Ill also explain to you how the plasticity of base of operations cells can treat such a wide range of disease. II. Body A. Claim 1 To begin, alkali cells have the ability cure thousands of people. . order 1 To begin, in a 2007 issue of the National ripe(p) to Life News, therapy has saved the lives of victims of myeloma and congestive center of attention failure. The sermon would have stem cells travel through their bloodstream into their bone marrow to establish a disease free immune system. 2. Evidence 2 In addition, stem cell therapy has revealed beneficial set up on the regeneration of impai blood-red heart muscles according to Alex Martins 2012 article Stem Cell- Therapy-Saving Lives one Heart at a Time.This therapy has the ability to reduce the chance of heart failure and can restore all the separate necessary to a damaged heart. B. Claim 2 Next, is that the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 1. Evidence 1 In fact,the website for the National Institutes of wellness resource for research states that stem cells may replicate many times unlike muscle, blood, or plaque cells. This means they are cap adequate to(p) for grand-term self-renewal, meaning these cells can divide and renew themselves for very long periods of time. 2.Evidence 2 Also, in 2009, the Internet Journal of Bioengineering explained how stem cells can go from un narrow down to specialized cells that have the ability to differentiate into a wide variety of cells. These cells are proving to be the mainstay of re ngerative medicine. C. Claim 3 My final point is explain to you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. 1. Evidence 1 First, in a 2012 issue of the Las Vegas Review Journal, scientists have started banks for umbilical cord cord blood stem cells which are a rich source of stem cells, being able to repair or even replace damaged cells in the human body. . Evidence 2 Additionally, place Anstead has written in a 2011 issue of Mail on sunshine about the ability of stem cells to treat a genetic blood condition known as sickle cell disease. by blood transfusion, stem cells were transplanted into the patients bone marrow and within days, his bloodstream was populated with healthy new red cells and no longer has to take his medication. . III. Conclusion A. Thesis Today, Ive tried to convince you that we should continue to use stem cell research treat human disease and abnormalities.B. Claims 1. Claim 1 First, I showed you that stem cells have the ability cu re thousands of people. 2. Claim 2 Next, I told you how the potential of stem cells are endless and committing to research can only prove so much more. 3. Claim 3 Finally, I showed you how the plasticity of stem cells can treat such a wide range of disease. List of Sources Used Author Townsend, Liz backing of article Survivors Speak Out Adult Stem Cells Save Lives. Title of publication National Right to Life NewsTitle of database Academic Search prime(a) Year 2007 Author Anstead, Mark Title of article Pioneering stem cell treatment saves the life of sickle cell victim. Name of publication Mail on Sunday Title of database Academic Search Premier Year 2011 Author Madan, Natasha, Neeraj Madan, Pankaj Bajaj, Neelam Gupta, and Shweta Yadav Title of article Stem Cells A Scope For Regenerative Medicine. Name of publication Internet Journal of Bioengineering Title of database Academic Search Premier Year 2009Author Martin, Alex and Francesca Coxe Title of article Stem Cell Therapy Sa ving Lives one Heart at a Time. Title of website MetroMD Year 2012 Author ARACONTENT Title of article Umbilical cord stem cells provide life-saving treatment for children. Title of publication Las Vegas Review-Journal Year 2012 Author no author Title of article What are the laughable properties of all stem cells? Title of website Stem Cell Information The National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research Year 2009
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Lean Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Lean Manufacturing - Essay ExampleHR departments ar the direct falsify agents in most of the organizations. The aim of this paper is to look at the Human Resources approach regarding course manufacturing in todays world. The idea is to relate human resources contribution in the process of tip production which cannot be overlooked by todays organizations.This paper will determine how decisions are taken by the human resource department, how the human resource department develops policies, and practices for the organization and how effectively the change processes are handled in the organization. It will also clarify what strategic HRM issues should be considered to fiddle about whatsoever cultural and fundamental change within organizations.The policies and practices developed by human resource departments represent important forces that shape employee behavior and attitudes. Human resource department needs to take a number of actions if it wants to circle with the changes re garding culture and wants to make it more customer-responsive. The commitment at the organizational level is enhanced with a commanding culture and this also allows improvements to be observed in employee behavior. This certainly acts as a strong eudaimonia for the organization.From the perspective of an employee, the organizational culture is valued highly and it also reduces the level of ambiguity (Oliver, 2006). On the early(a) hand, it should also be noted that cultural changes are not easily acceptable by employees. exemption is observed from employees when the element of change is observed in organizations and this resistance may create obstacles in the consummation of goals and objectives of the organization.Our broad problem area in this case would be an area requiring improvement. Lean Manufacturing into an organization is seen to bring a number of benefits, i.e. efficiency savings, improved productivity, waste reduction (Genaidy, 2003). But it is felt
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Rail Transportation Engineering System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
groom Transportation engine room System - Essay ExampleEngineering Systems like the data track point organization analyzed in this report, are characterized by a high level of technical complexity, social intricacy, and plump processes that are aimed at fulfilling important functions in the society. Usually, various disciplines are required for input into developing solutions for Engineering Systems, and adopting a systems approach is quite beneficial.The aim of this analysis is to identify the fall upon elements of the rail transportation system and the interactions involved in operating such a system. This rail transportation system was selected for this report because rail transport is an emerging field of engineering and transport that seeks to provide solutions for some important socio-technical problems in society. there have been numerous studies in the past, carried out with the aim of investigating the individual aspects of socio-technical problems in order to maint ain solutions to these problems. Some of these studies went to great lengths to isolate the smaller pieces of the bigger problem. (Sterman, 2000)Although Engineering Systems seek to expand perspectives form smaller pieces to a bigger picture, the bigger picture should be viewed as a system, with interactions explored within the system. Rail transportation systems can be classified as engineering systems because rail transportation involves a high stop of technical complexity and elaborate processes with the goal of fulfilling the function of cost-efficient transportation of goods and personnel in the society.The key elements of the rail transportation system include environmental friendliness, speed, low energy consumption, high safety standards and express land usage. Rail transportation also makes use of its own transportation lines and is relatively free from sentence wastage as a result of traffic jams and hold-ups. (Ellis, 1986).
Monday, May 13, 2019
Chinese Women and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Chinese Women and Culture - Essay ExampleThe recent increases on china portray a comparatively liberal image of the women than was possible some decades ago. Not too removed off in history, in fact if a critical analysis is made for the 1980s and the 1990s both(prenominal) the authorities in China as well as the traditionalistic Chinese monastic order were resistant to the growth of feminist attitudes.The traditional antique Chinese rituals and belief systems though still preponderant to some extent in China adds to the limitations that women have to face to contribute significantly to the Chinese cultures and traditions. 1990s however opened doors towards acceptance to the fact that women can also significantly contribute to the cultural development in China.To understand China in the modern context, it is crucial to analyze the percentage of women in the ancient century as well so that patterns in evolution can be drawn.China is always perceive as a culturally isolated an d a backward society, and the image of the state is that of an authoritarian commanding one. Modern elements of change like modern art, modern music, internet evolution and social networking seems to be take and highly controlled. The beginning of the new century saw an immense increase in modernization. With the opening of market place in the late 1990s, Chinas economy started to boom as markets expanded and modernized. Cultural values, however, didnt saw as immense of a change but some level of change was unavoidable and 12 Girls Band is the product of this change. Thus, 12 Girls Band is symbolic for women empowerment, the ability for Chinese to preserve their traditional legacies, portraying a liberal yet sophisticated image of Chinese woman throughout the world. on the whole members of the 12 Girls Band are therefrom Ambassadors to China who have positively affected the cultural variables in China at home and abroad. To understand China in the modern context, it is crucial to analyze the single-valued function of women in the ancient century as well so that patterns in evolution can be drawn. In the ancient China women were considered to be inferior to men, and all their lives they were expected to obey the male members of the family, thus they had no freedom of their own and their role towards cultural community development was absent. The practice of binding womens feet is symbolic for the control over women during that century. However, with time when the Peoples Republic of China was found the role of women started to change, at least rhetorically and a significant level of independence was gained by the women. It wasnt until 1979 that the politics enacted reforms which enabled women to seek jobs in the market. This was the beginning of the initiation of the contribution of women to art however the role was still really limited. However, with the cultural revolutions more and more opportunities were produced for the women and the process of ev olution began to speed up (Wales 1967). Until the 1990s the women were significantly contribute economically as well as culturally to the Chinese legacy. During this period, women poetry groups and arts clubs began to emerge and their activities began to fire rapidly (Descoteaux 2008). The beginning of the new century saw an immense increase in modernization, and thus 12 Girls Band is a product of the modernization and cultural fusion. The band was selected in an audition in 2001, and twelve members later constituting of thirteen members, this band was a unique blend of girls who knew to play diverse range of instruments both modern and traditional in nature. All band members have gone through rigorous trainings in the field, and all of them belong to the conservatories groups which include the Chinas Academy of Music, Central Conservatory of Music and the Chinese National Orchestra. The idea behind the concept belongs to Wang Xio-Jing who wanted twelve members for a band and his aim was to put up folk music however make it appealing by adding a modern touch to it. Thus, the women were godlike by the work of Yue
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Aggression Dissertation
The Relationship between conceit and Aggression - Dissertation ExampleThe fol woefuling review of literatures will identify the findings of twelve research articles on with their originality in harm of research on the area chosen. A study by Baumeister, Bushman and Campbell (2000) bring in the importance of threatened egotism to explain the relation between enmity and self regard. The contemporary kit and boodle of the authors did not confirm the association between low self-esteem and onset which was sanctioned theoretically by traditional views. In event the in the buff concepts of narcissism and unstable self-esteem so-and-so foresee aggression more efficiently. The article researchs the research domain with the sponsor of antithetic literatures, some of which explain why peck with low self-esteem were less liable to cause aggression. Normally such people will sieve to avoid risk and hence would not take the risk of being in-your-face towards others. In fact people with fluctuating self-esteem or manic imprint are more likely to be aggressive and display violence during the manic phase when the person has high views about himself compared to the phase of depression when self-esteem is at its low. This alike explains the aggressive orientation caused by alcoholic people during the phase of inebriety when the self-esteem momentarily heightens. The second part of the discussion presented in the research now moves on to explore the newer constructs in order to defend the low self-esteem hypothesis regarding aggression. Studies showed that narcissism or unstable self-esteem was more responsible for violence and aggression than low self-esteem. After studying different literatures the authors rescue inferred that hole-and-corner(a) low self-esteem demonstrating self doubts might bring on aggression quite than obvious low self-esteem. In fact high self-esteem is a characteristic of both aggressive and no aggressive people. Again narcissistic pe ople are aggressive towards specific individuals who insult or criticize them rather than being aggressive socially. The original angle in the research lies in the fact that this study explored the new constructs like threatened egotism or hidden low self-esteem rather than trying to establish he simple and direct link between self-esteem and aggression explored till then. Anderson and Bushman (2002) studied the different theories on aggression showed by human beings and the original angle of the research lies in the use of world(a) aggression model (GAM) to incorporate different variables which reflect cognition effect, apart from situational and personological parameters. The use of this model also helps this study to identify the required research which can fill in the gaps in theoretical frameworks and this can help in testing the interventions in bringing down aggression. The study begins with definitions of aggression and related terms and then discusses the particular theori es of aggressive behaviour before embarking on the General Aggression Model. The model considers ternary categories of inputs person factors (values, goals, beliefs) and circumstances (drugs, pain, frustration etc) related inputs, cognitive (hostile thoughts, scripts etc), affective (mood and emotion etc) and arousal paths along which the inputs have their final impact and lastly, the results of the implied process of appraisal and decision making. Certain means of interventions are also suggested with the help of this model and these include multisystemic therapy like family oriented methods etc, prison treatments etc and the model also predicts that with age and experience aggression might decrease. The literatures studied in the research also show the relation between high self-esteem and a
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