Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bruce Dawe Essay
Bruce Dawe, an Australian known poet, born 1930 is still one of the biggest selling and most highly regarded poets of Australia. His ability to write such influential poems has made an impact on a number of people, as each poem can be related to the ordinary living lives of Australians throughout the years. Bruce Dawe’s poems are interesting because they comment on the lives of ordinary people. This statement is agreed on. In relation to the statement, three key poems can be linked being Enter Without So Much as Knocking (1959), Homo Suburbiensis (1964) and Drifters (1968). In the first poem mentioned: Enter Without So Much as Knocking, Dawe shows the living of a child in the Baby Boomers period, and the era after World War 2 (1950’s to early 60’s). The government had just released an election promise for any mother who beared a child to receive a ‘money’ bonus in return for adding to Australia’s population. With around 3 babies per family on average during this time period, Dawe represents children born in that time period as if being born manufacturing, hence Bruce Dawe’s poems are interesting because they comment on the lives of ordinary people. The Poem Enter Without So Much as Knocking uses many poetic and literary techniques. These include imagery, similes, themes of sexism and stereotypes and rhetorical question. Dawe utilises the whole poem as imagery for the boy’s life. Dawe’s creative sense made it so the audience who would read this poem would see that his life was a game show even in death. This example can be found when Dawe explores death in his sixth stanza. †gave him back for keeps/ the old automatic smile with nothing behind it, winding the whole show up with a/ nice ride out to the underground metropolis:/ permanent residentials, no parking tickets, no taximeters/ ticking, no Bobby Dazzlers here, no down payments,/ nobody grieving over halitosis/ flat feet shrinking gums falling hair. ‘ In this example, Dawe’s use of imagery immediately conveys to his audience the type of life this man led. He also used black humour, using death as an escape from the life he led and still gaining ‘’prizes’’. The next technique used is Simile. Throughout the poem, Dawe represents the child as nothing more than just another person. No significance. No crucial part to his existence. Yet, in the fourth stanza, Dawe finally shows some notion of a positive emotion. The first ever look at happiness and only view throughout the poem. In the stanza, the boy describes his liking for watching movies under a star lit sky, stating: ‘’†¦ a pure unadulterated fringe of sky, littered with stars/ no one had got around to fixing up yet; he’d watch them/ circling about in luminous groups like kids at the circus†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The effect of using this technique emphasises the fact of something so pure, an actual happy emotion existing in this world, that seems to be so practical and sought out. To the audience it would show that Dawe is trying to create a hope that just maybe the boy will escape this game show fate and live to have the freedom he wishes. The comment of his life also illustrates Dawe’s interesting view on life and ordinary people, as he represents the feeling of being barred from freedom. It also shows how society cannot corrupt the stars as they are too far away. Themes are also used throughout the poem. In the 1950’s to early 60’s women were still trying to attain for themselves. After the Second World War and during the baby boomers period, in stanza two of the poem Dawe comments on this type of living stating: ‘’ his included/ one economy-sized Mum, one Anthony Squires Dad, along with two other kids straight off the Junior Department rack. ’ This technique clearly represents the stereotypical, sexist views of the time period. Women were still seen as just ‘’house-wife’’ material, men were expected to make a living for their family and the average for the number of children per household was three. Anthony Squires as stated was a known Australian Brand Men’s suite. Dawe shows the audience in this quote the type of families seen during the 1950’s, as if manufactured or mass produced. Like a template. Every family had to have one of these. Families during this time did not bond or grow up together, but had been brought and constructed. Another example of sexism can be found in stanza five, as Dawe says, ‘’ and then it was goodbye stars and the soft/ cry in the corner when no one was looking†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This shows the audience that in this society, during this time period, men were also stereotyped as they were not allowed to cry. They DO NOT cry. The final technique used in Enter Without So Much as Knocking is rhetorical question. Though only used once, it brings the whole poem together, causing Dawe’s audience to have a sudden epiphany. During stanza five, the child is undergoing what seems to be another part of his life. Here we see his growing up, saying goodbye to corruption as the audience reads his corruption as he gives up fighting. The final lines hit the audience with a sense of realisation being: ‘’I mean it’s a real battle all the way/ and a man can’t help but feel a little soiled, himself,/ at times, you know what I mean? ’’ This conveys to the audience what an awful, corruptive world the world has become, and in return man himself has become soiled. Man has been blinded by his own corruption and formed his own stereotypes, and there is no way to return back to the way things were. This is a vital view point and comment on the lives of people during this time period, as Dawe gives a descriptive insight on the matter. Moving onto the second poem: Homo Suburbiensis, another poem that signifies Dawes interest of people and their lives. Written in 1964, in the midst of the ending of the baby boomers period and a time of peace as women start finally getting their rights heard and the Australian government take a new leadership, this poem written by Dawe is a representation of an old man’s mind. The world he lives in is chaotic when wild, yet when in peace is of surpassing beauty like a well-kept garden. The man’s thoughts are shown by the garden. Homo Suburbiensis is also referred to as the modern day Garden of Eden. Another side note worth mentioning is the fact that the title is a parody of scientific classification, as if stating that the garden is also an experiment on the observations of men overtime. Techniques used in this poem include alliteration, symbolism and onomatopoeia. The first two techniques explored are alliteration and symbolism. The way Dawe has written this poem is vital to his audience, as the lines represent the continuation of life, crucially emphasising this point entirely. The alliteration is then used in the third/fourth stanza stating: ‘’He stands there, lost in a green/ confusion, smelling the smoke of somebody’s rubbish. ’’ The alliteration technique shows the continuous, ominous feeling. Almost repetitive, as Dawe gets his audience to relate to the sense of repetition. Also, back in this time period, rubbish was only collected once a week. Households would set their wastes alight and pour in the ashes weekly. This gives Dawes audience a good insight into the 1960’s and their views on pollution and rubbish. The symbolism technique, however, links back to the previous comment of the poem being a modern appropriation of the Garden of Eden as the continuous ‘s’ words would symbolise a snake. Dawe creates a sense of an animal that threatens the peace unless harmed to his audience. An underlying danger ,which, at any given moment could strike and end all peace in a single bite. It also emphasises the fact that Dawe is trying to relate modern man to this threat compared to the original Garden of Eden to show his audience just how easily it is to upset a balance of peace unless treaded on lightly. The final technique used is Onomatopoeia. During this stanza, Dawe has the old man retell what his senses pick up, letting the audience be introduced to both hearing and sight. This being: ‘’†¦a kid/ a far whisper of traffic, and offering up instead. ’’ This technique is used to emphasise Dawes involvement of human senses as well as depicting the old man and his interest in the world – also linking back to the earlier statement of having ‘’Homo Suburbiensis’’ as a possible scientific view on man. These sounds are the only thing that can be heard in his garden, and like the snake, intrude and make Dawes audience realize that they are still being compared to the Garden of Eden to their modern world. The old man, also, can be seen to be lost in thought as he only ‘’vaguely’’ hears some sounds. This techniques use in return also shows Dawes interest in modern life compared to the genesis of the bible and his link to his faith and the Garden of Eden. It shows his audience, again, the problem of corruption and what it has done to man. The third and final poem is 1968’s Drifters. Written describing Dawes own childhood, the poem represents yet another key concept in the viewing of ordinary lives in this time period. Drifters is about a family (representing Dawes own family) who moved from place to place, as the father needs to move by season due to the demand from his job. Though it is seen to be written in a casual manner, if read carefully, Dawes audience would see the seriousness behind it. Techniques used throughout the poem include juxtaposition and dialogue. The first technique used is juxtaposition. Family members often have to compromise or sacrifice what they want in order to belong to their family. Some members, however, wish to establish a permanent sense of place and others don’t. The use of juxtaposition is then shown to the audience as the differing perceptions of moving are based on how long they stayed in one place. The oldest girl is on the verge of tears and the youngest is ‘beaming’. Another example of this is found in the mother’s acceptance of her families ‘drifter’ lifestyle through by stating: ‘’bottling-set/ she never unpacked from Grovedale. ’ Again Dawe and his view point, even when personal, is both interesting and true to the time period when written as it gives his audience an understanding of both the emotion and sacrifice caught in the constant knowing of impermanence. The second and final technique used is dialogue. Repetitive dialogue was used constantly throughout the poem. A lack of permanent place, as mentioned before, is just a continuous spontaneous lifestyle. A feeling that anything could happen. An example of this can be found when she simply says: ‘’Make a wish Tom, make a wish. ’ The kind of lifestyle led and the emotions that come with it like excitement, when announcing that yet again they will be moving on is shown through the unusual endings of particular lines, for example ‘’tripping/ everyone up. ’’ And ‘’she was/ happy here. ’’ The position of line placement represents their emotions as well as the continuity of their lives and the way they live yet again. Dawe and his visual on life tells his audience of his own memories and the hardship he may have faced due to his family being so spontaneous, as well as any other child who went through the same thing as h e during this time frame. In conclusion, all three poems used being Enter Without So Much as Knocking (1959), Homo Suburbiensis (1964) and Drifters (1968) show that Bruce Dawe’s poem are indeed interesting because they comment on the lives of ordinary people. This is shown throughout each of the three poems using various language techniques and personal insight, making his audience see that Dawe truly was and still is a unique Australian writer.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Lorenzo’s Oil Questions
Lorenzo’s oil questions 1. What was the full name of the boy in the movie? The boy’s full name is Lorenzo Michael Murphy Odone. 2. What was the full name of the disease in the movie? The full name of the disease in the movie is adrenoleukodystrophy. 3. Who can get the disease in the movie? (i. e. Sex, age, etc. ) Males can get the disease at age 2 to 10. They inherit the disease from their mother who is a carrier. 4. How did Lorenzo get the disease? Lorenzo got the disease from his mother who was a carrier of the disease. 5.What were the first signs of the disease? The first signs of the disease were different behavior, falling, and hearing problems. 6. What effects did the disease have on Lorenzo’s body? The effects the disease had on Lorenzo’s body was that it made him weak and made his body not be able to break down long chains fatty acids. 7. What trial treatments did Lorenzo receive? The trial treatments Lorenzo received were no saturated fat in diet, chemo therapy, olive oil, and olive oil with rapeseed oil. 8. What was the final treatment for this disease?The final treatment for this disease was olive oil mixed with rapeseed oil. 9. How did Lorenzo’s parents help in finding the treatment? Lorenzo’s parents helped in finding the treatment for the disease by researching and becoming scientists. 10. What award did Lorenzo’s father receive for his great leadership as a parent turned scientist? Lorenzo’s father received a an honorary medical degree award for his great leadership as a parent turned scientist. 11. List important dates and major events throughout the movie. *May 29 Lorenzo’s birthday 1984 Family Conference *August 1984 Lorenzo’s parents go study at medical school * October 1984 Mom finds experiment about rats * November 10, 1984 First international symposium * November 21 1985 first try of only olive oil * January 1985 Fat is 50% dropped * February 1985 Fat level not lowering * may 29,1985 Lorenzo’s 7th birthday * September 1985 seventeen months after diagnosis * march 1986 twenty-one months after diagnosis * September 1986 scientist has Lorenzo’s oil done * December 8, 1986 levels read normal, oil worked
Thursday, August 29, 2019
StrategicManagement Analysis of The Package Holiday Company Thomas Assignment
StrategicManagement Analysis of The Package Holiday Company Thomas Cook - Assignment Example Thomas Cook is an international operator of tours. The company stands out because of the participation of vacationers and tourists in order to ensure the vision of the company â€Å"The Whole World of Travel†. A publicist of English origin named Thomas Cook commenced the business operations back in the year 1841. The company accomplished growth at a quite higher rate in the industry of tourism through continued strategies of business. Strategies of group tourism and package tours are implemented by the company to make certain soaring share in the market and growth. The company with employee strength of 23,300 and sales of â‚ ¬7.7 billion is counted in the best three companies of travel services all over the globe and is the second best travel company in Europe (SAP, n.d.). The growth of the industry of package holiday has been quite rapid. The earlier decade has given immense chance to a lot of people to visit, travel and avail holidays at such places that were formerly accessible only by the privileged and affluent. The industry of package holiday has become an industry of multi-million pound that is operated by handful big players and numerous smaller ones. The holiday packages are structured by ‘tour operators’ who ‘bundle together’ the assorted elements of a holiday into a ‘package’. The packages are available directly as well as through travel agents as well. The industry can be aptly expressed as oligopolistic meaning ‘competition among the few. ... The industry can be aptly expressed as oligopolistic meaning ‘competition among the few’ (High Beam Research, 2011). There are essentially four companies in the industry of package holiday in the UK that carry over a million people every year (High Beam Research, 2011). The segmentation of the package holiday industry of the UK is shown in the model below: Category %Population Groups Wealthy Achievers 25.1 1. Wealthy Executives 2. Affluent Greys 3. Flourishing Families Urban Prosperity 10.7 1. Prosperous Professionals 2. Educated Urbanites 3. Aspiring Singles Comfortably Off 26.6 1. Starting Out 2. Secure Families 3. Settled Suburbia 4. Prudent Pensioners Moderate Means 14.5 1. Asian Communities 2. Post Industrial Families 3. Blue Collar Roots Hard Pressed 22.4 1. Struggling Families 2. Burdened Singles 3. High Rise Hardship 4. Inner City Adversity Source: (Williams, 2008) The reason behind choosing the company Thomas Cook is its international popularity. 2. Task A 2.1 P ESTEL Analysis Political Severe laws of immigration and tight security as an outcome of terror attacks If few of the destinations are kept off-limits by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, then the people visiting there will be refused insurance by the travel insurers Political instability affects package holidays Policies of taxation on tourism imposed by other countries affect the industry of package holiday (Scribd, n.d.) Economical A critical role is played by the exchange rates in the trade of package holiday. Greater stability in the exchange rates would have a constructive impact on the package holidays Globalisation has a good impact on package holiday as more companies are entering new markets Recession affects the industry of package holiday
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Critical Review of The Balanced Scorecard -Measures That Drive Essay
Critical Review of The Balanced Scorecard -Measures That Drive Perfornnance - Essay Example This essay declares that BSC helps to identify what does not work so that corrections to the communication plans may be made immediately. Long-term communication policy can be ascertained and the communications strategy can be streamlined with the corporate strategy. This paper makes a conclusion that the BSC was initially developed as a comprehensive measurement system that incorporated a set of financial and non-financial performance measures which covered different organizational functions and perspectives. However, as organizations started using it, several factors came to light. It was found that it is not viable for smaller organizations because of the costs involved and because they do not have a corporate strategy in place. For larger organizations, it is essential that the different business units are pursuing the overall corporate strategy. The BSC has been successfully implement on both private and public sector organization, in businesses as well as in the health care and the education sector. However, The BSC does have certain critical success factors. These include the involvement of members in the team having diverse skills sets. The scorecard must be linked to the corporate goals and objectives without which the reports generated may not serve the purpose. The senior management should have a clear view of the potential of the BSC because it has been found that unless they are sure of the benefits, they would not be involved or would not be able to encourage others to use it.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
President review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
President review - Essay Example His family shifted to Augusta located in Georgia, a year after he was born. In 1870, they moved to Columbia and then later moved to Wilmington in the year 1884. It was then that Woodrow later drop his first name, Thomas. He received his early education from ex-Confederate soldiers who had attempted to set up some schools after the end times of Civil war. His father taught him religion, British history, and literature. After attaining sixteen years of age, Woodrow attended Davidson College, located in North Carolina. One year later, he dropped out of college because of his health condition. In the year 1875, Wilson attended a College of New Jersey known as Princeton University. He then graduated in 1879. The same year, he enrolled at the University of Virginia to study law but dropped out of school again due to his numerous personal reasons. After going back to his home, he continued studying law (Burrage 54). Woodrow later set up a legal practice with a fellow scholar who hailed from the University of Virginia in the year 1882 and he eventually passed the Georgia Bar Exam. Woodrow later abandoned the practice of law and legal system and decided to finish his education at the John Hopkins University located in Baltimore. He was enrolled as a graduate in political science and history and in the year 1986, he earned his PH.D. With his numerous research study and analysis, he published the dissertation termed as Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics. The dissertation transparently argued about the power that the congressional government posses over a weak postwar Presidency and that for a constitutional transformation of powers separation between the President and Congress with that of the British Parliament. Wilson Woodrow was a professor and became a president of Princeton in the year 1902. He also inspired and acted as a catalyst in the movements of civil rights and freedom.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Intelligent Exploitation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Intelligent Exploitation - Case Study Example The major business challenge that Hazendal encounters is in the effective management of its complex wine production operations which includes scheduling the harvest of grapes, process management of wine production and marketing management of the final product. In spite of the huge volume of sales undertaken by Hazendal, the current data and information management systems in the organization is very primitive. It consisted of distributed databases of operations, non-inclusion of IT based management for variety of activities like grape allocation, sales data that includes the information on product, customer and region/country. At the same time, the sales invoice was issued separately using professional accounting software. Thus the fragmented style of information management led to high levels of operational inefficiency, extended delays in information transmission and inconsistency in sales and inventory reports. Besides, the company constantly conducts extensive outdoor customer retention and relationship building programs, which was very essential for the preparation of effective marketing plan. Thus to integrate its operation and to have increased efficiency and integrated operations across all departments, Hazendal Management decided t o implement a custom designed information management software. ... The essay presented here reviews two separate project phases in connection with the information management project at Hazendal. Phase I is related to the design and implementation of the vineyards management system for Hazendal and the Phase II draws the attention towards the barriers to its intelligent exploitation. Intelligent Exploitation Theory: Frameworks and Literature Review The term "Intelligent Exploitation" is coined to explain the inadequacies observed in extracting the full potential of information technology investments that have been made in the organizations (Holtham, 2008). It is observed that huge investments made by the organizations have not resulted in a significant improvement on their business or organizational management practices (Clemons et al, 1990). Also, all the earlier initiatives made across the world to improve and upgrade the technology didn't place the knowledge and information in the centre stage of all the activities (Brynjolfsson, 1991). Thus the advantages that the organizations could claim to possess towards the preparation of their growth strategies were also very insignificant. Implementations of IT tools have helped the organizations to create rich repositories of in-house data, which are not properly used for their own strategic advantage (Davern and Kauffman, 2000). In the present day circumstances the organizations n eed to be elevated to the status of creators of knowledge and thus transforming the organizations as a learning system (Dos Santos et al, 2000). But, contrary to the expectations IT investments were not able to justify the creation of specific strength within the organization to address the objectives of equipping the group to grow as
Sunday, August 25, 2019
HRM processes and practices in UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HRM processes and practices in UAE - Essay Example UAE has significantly developed in the recent past and in a very short period of time it has become an example of economic growth. UAE has been attracting investment from all around the globe and it is being considered one of the best avenues for business expansion. The analysis conducted in the paper would try to provide sufficient foundation for the fact that UAE is a suitable avenue for the expansion of business. Socio-Political Background of UAE UAE has been providing routes to international business for centuries and it has been providing access to 1.5 billion consumer markets in West Asia, Africa and East Europe. Thus, it can be said that UAE has been a suitable avenue for international business expansion for a very long time. However, in the recent past, the infrastructural development in UAE has made the country even more feasible for business expansion in the UAE. The economic development in the country makes investment in the country profitable in short term. Over the past 26 years, the economy of the country has swelled by more than six times. In numerous cases, the investment in a business in a country does not turn out any profits for years however the accelerated economic activity in the UAE ensures that investment in the country would turn out profits in a shorter period of time (Oxford Business Group). The political environment in UAE is also feasible for business expansion as the visionary leadership of the UAE is diverting all its efforts towards industrial and economic development in the country. The leadership of the UAE has been really encouraging towards international businesses who intend to invest in UAE. Therefore the political environment of UAE is feasible for the establishment of business in the country. The country is one of the top producers of oil and this fact adds up to the feasibility of the country as a business expansion avenue. Dubai International Airport offers 300 flights on a daily basis to and from around 100 destination s therefore managing a business in UAE would not be a problem since it would be possible to be available in the UAE at any time. Business Environment in UAE Due to the increased economic development in the recent past, UAE has become the center of attention for international investors. A number of international business have started operating in UAE and due to presence of organizations from all around the world, the business environment in UAE is not static. The business environment in UAE is dynamic and it responds towards the increasing international investment in the country. The following factors would shed some light upon the business environment in UAE: Organizational Structure The organizational structures in the UAE are dynamic as business can have complete foreign ownership. Local businesses have an Eastern influence therefore they have hierarchical structures, however it is not necessary for all the organizations to have a hierarchical structure and the line of command can be shortened by adding channels of communication among different levels (Hvidt, 2007). Industrial Relations Industrial relations in UAE are influenced by the political environment of the country. UAE is a federation therefore there are no political parties or elections. Due to lack of any political pressure, the industrial relations are not founded upon unions or any political parties. Due to the increasing economic developm
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Enterprise and Enterprenerual Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Enterprise and Enterprenerual Management - Essay Example There are many reasons that businesses fail, some of them fail because they are unable to recognize the threats that exist in the outside world and as well as the dynamics of the business world. Before starting a business it is very important that a business man tries best possible ways to make his business a success. For making a business a success it is extremely necessary that the business man has studied the environment of the probable business environment so that he does not delve into risks without any preliminary investigations (CAN?AS, SONDAK, 2011). When starting a business it is extremely necessary for the person who is starting a business to know whether the business he is starting is actually the one that is near to him and he can understand the essence of it. If a person starts a business related to things that is of no interest to him he will end up losing interest in it and ultimately closing down the business, without any further exploitation of opportunities. To star t a business it is necessary that everything has been worked out properly and the person starting the business should have the whole layout of the business in front of him so that he can understand what are the pros and cons of the business that he plans to start. It is very important that the business has been thought out in its fullness before being started by a person. If a person fails to account for all the minute details then the business will never be a success as many important factors will be missed out. A business plan is a very important stepping stone for any business, without a business plan if you want to start your business then you will never be able to take it forward, as you will never have much idea as to what path has to be taken to guide your business in the right direction. A designed business plan will help and guide the businessman as to what is best for the business (COVELLO, HAZELGREN, 2006). A business plan is really very important to take the business for ward as it gives the blue print of the business. A complete business plan is designed in a way that it will take into account all the profits and loss and then give the results of the impact of any kind of transaction on the bottom line of the business. It is a reflection of the possible expenses and the revenue generation of the business. It helps the new business man decide what are the possible costs that have the possibility of being incurred by him while doing the business that he plans to start and how should he work and prioritize the arrangements so that he can minimize the costs that he might incur for the business. Also, when he has designed a complete business plan then he can look for ways and methods that will also help him in looking for alternates of the possible cost incurring units of the business. When a person starts a business the main thing that he has in his mind is to earn money from it and to make profits. The only reason that he looks for new ventures is tha t he wants to have greener pastures to graze and better results than he is getting in the current job that he is doing. Designing a complete business plan will always give him an idea as to what is the best thing that can be done to overcome the possible hurdles that might come up once he starts the business. It
Friday, August 23, 2019
The role of channel marketing in the B2B global marketing challenge Research Paper
The role of channel marketing in the B2B global marketing challenge - Research Paper Example The technological advancement in Europe is believed to be the core reason for massive outsourcing in oil and gas sector of the world. Nevertheless, the outsourcers and channel marketers have more brand value than the mere producers of crude oil. The importance of channel marketers are significantly growing because consumers on the street know the companies that deal in oil and gas products locally. The actual producers of oil and gas do not have sufficient resources that are needed to purify, market and distribute products at an international level. The channel marketers therefore, come into the play. But, in the era of the 21st century, the role of channel marketers is not limited to promotion. They have to purify the crude oil and gas in order to make them consumable (Silvestrea & Dalcol, 2009). Additionally, channel marketers rely on companies like Lumin-Ultra to acquire technologies that are necessary for purification of crude oil based products (Valentini, Montagut, Neslin, & Frey, 2011). Recently, the company has developed a method of on the spot measurement of microorganisms in crude oil and after measurement, the company assists in devising the treatment that will neutralize the impurities and thus more pure crude products can be obtained in this fashion. The featured technology made it easy for producers to find biological agents and get rid of them more effectively and efficiently. The abovementioned process helped the operators in minimizing the time needed to purify the products. The Lumin-Ultra’s major operations are sponsored by channel marketers that are responsible for commercializing the final oil products in the international market. The channel marketers are also found to have more brand reach and recognition in the global consumer market. The actual producers of crude oil do not have necessary technological and financial power required to reach and establish a brand name in global market
Managerial policy in HM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managerial policy in HM - Essay Example Many people continue to refer to the discipline by its older, more traditional titles, such as, personnel management. The trend is changing. The new term nowadays used in industry circles is HRM. Its significance lies not so much in the observable practice of its functions but in the assumption that it permits practitioners to make. The assumption are that - (i) it is capable of contributing to, and drawing from, the highest levels of managerial policy; (ii) It is driven by both strategic and operation goals; (iii) It conceives of the organization as an environment in which managerial discretion is permitted freer ruin than in a more traditional employment relationship; (iv) employee attachment and engagement in the organization are seen and accepted as major managerial responsibilities which are not moderated by external bodies such as trade unions. What is more interesting is the fact that HRM activities are now expected to contribute to organizational effectiveness. Looking at the broader perspective of HRM policy within organization, HR practitioners and academicians are also of the opinion that by aligning HR policies and practices with business strategies, the field of HRM can become a greater strategic contributor to organizational performance and success (Mathis and Jackson). HRM, its concepts definition, study and application have d... Secondly, the unity and diversity of these models serve as initial inputs in drafting tailor made HRM model for organizations. Thirdly, these models offer answers to quite a few dilemmas that practitioner encounter in their mission to pursuer an organizationally dove tailed and business aligned human resource function. The focus of HRM is on keeping the optimal quantity and quality of people needed to achieve the objective of the organization. HRM first emerge as a concept in the mid-1980 when American researchers produced two models. One of the model is called Harvard model developed by Beer et al. (1984), who defined HRM as that which maximizes organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work. They emphasized a need for coherence in HRM policies and role of the line managers. But it is the Harvard Model that has exerted considerable influence over the theory and practice of HRM. Harvard Model of HRM: The type of HRM policies and practices an organization prefers should be dependent upon its organizational vision, mission, strategy, Goals and objective. In quite a few cases, such HR practices shall also be devised and adopted in time with external environment of organizations. In other words, HR policies and practices are subject to influence by internal and external environment of organizations. Harvard model of HRM propounded by Michael Beer, Richard Walton, Quinn mills, P. Lawrence and Bert Spector highlighted this influence of environment on HRM is their book titled Managing human Assets published in 1984. This model also known as soft model of HRM / Harvard Map of HRM / multiple stakeholders model, argues that human resource policies are to be influenced by two significant considerations: (1) Situational factors: The
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Examining what makes a British Soap Opera Essay Example for Free
Examining what makes a British Soap Opera Essay In a general sense, Soaps are continuous, serialised dramas broadcast up to three or four times a week, usually with an omnibus at the weekends. They are filmed in the same settings from episode to episode and follow very contemporary themes (this is what makes them so appealing). A gender spilt between the audience reveals that around 70% are women, so the major Soaps have a clear target audience. The majority of new soaps seek not to disturb ongoing ratings battles, but break new ground and aim their productions at different age groups. For example, Hollyoaks is relatively new and aimed at teens. Soaps consistently win the biggest share of television ratings and capture the biggest share because their content appeals to their target audience. This content, on the surface may seem simply crafted, but after close examination reveals the numerous techniques, performances and styles that are harmonised in order to make the soap successful. As an art from, Soaps emerge as a highly complex form of drama. There are many features that have to be planned using very formulaic methods so that the final product will conform to expectations. The writers must produce content that is engaging, yet open further leads on to other potential storylines. However, they also stretch the storylines as long as possible in order to allow time to pass in which they can invent new stories and close others. A common tact is to obviously allow a storyline to occupy a majority of the 30-minute slot, but spilt it with intervening storylines (which delay it from completing its course). This achieves two main objectives- the delay creates time for further writing and expansion of the main story, whilst the short storylines in between can be refreshed
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Comparison of War on Terror with the Cold War
Comparison of War on Terror with the Cold War Does the ‘Global War on Terror’ inaugurated by George W. Bush have similarities to the Cold War? Since 2001, academics and the United States administration have continuously compared the war against terrorism to the Cold War. The confrontations that the United States and its allies experienced during the war against communism in the Cold War and, more recently, the War on Terror arguably share significant similarities. Although there is significant debate across academia, some argue that Terrorism is the new Communism which similarly seeks to challenge and overthrow Western ideas and the whole structure of the liberal democratic world order. Others, among them revisionist historians, Claim that the main similarity between the Cold War and the War on Terror is the desire of the US to benefit from conflict, capitalise and secure other countries in its economic structures for own benefit. However, even though these are significant arguments, there has been a significant rise of discourse that seeks to separate the War on Terror from other conflicts, including the Cold War, stating that it is a new kind of war which symbolises a profound social transformation in the contemporary globalised world. For the purpose of this essay I summarise the nature of the War on Terror and its prevalent similarities to the Cold War. After that I present arguments stating that the War on Terror is in fact significantly different. After 9/11 the Bush administration urged the national policy to strengthen the core need to focus on a stronger homeland defence. The Department of Homeland Security was established as a movement toward centralisation of security at a national level. The 2002 National Security Strategy (NSS) relied on force and action to uphold international standards, unlike the previous years where leadership through co-operation was emphasised instead. Arguably that was the case because of the change of the nature of threat that was exerted on the US. Before the War on Terror the threat was to American values, whereas now the threat was a lot more serious, questioning survival. In the 1990’s the United States were involved in peace and humanitarian operations, supporting and extending American values worldwide. 2001, however, symbolised a shift in world order which directly threatened not just the United States but also its allies in Europe and elsewhere (Vrooman, 2004: 82). The United States were faced with a new type of war: a war without an easily identifiable enemy, which was not tied to a nation-state as we would traditionally expect (NSS, 2002: 5). This posed a number of problems with deterrence: The impossibility of destroying an enemy in a single manoeuvre, difficulty of identifying the enemy, and possibility of a costly counter-attack by the enemy. Terrorist groups were thought to have the ability, with the help of modern technology, to communicate while staying in the shadow, coordinating strategies and tactics. This allowed them to be highly decentralised and elusive while at the same time have the ability to act simultaneously for greater effect. The attackers were further seen to be mobilised by a common ideational standpoint: fanatical militarism legitimised through interpretation of religious texts in a certain way. This posed a serious problem as the attackers could not be negotiated with and shared little of the ideas the ‘westâ₠¬â„¢ and America had (Vrooman, 2004: 83). What we can deduct from this is that the War on Terror now had a more direct dimension, posing physical threat to the United States while at the same time being strongly ideological in nature, showing a confrontation of civilizational ideas (Stokes, 2003: 571). It also meant that, because the attackers could not be intimidated or discouraged by the cost that their attacks would incur upon themselves, that the potential magnitude of terrorist attacks was unprecedented and had to be dealt with similarly unprecedented force. While the War on Terror has become a primary focus of the United States in the aftermath of 9/11, 2001, with the Bush doctrine, it was largely carried out as continuation of exiting struggles that the U.S. faced in the middle-east during the Cold War, particularly during Reagan’s presidency in the 1980’s. The Reagan’s administration, during that time, was also expected of reacting quickly and as a result drafted many concepts, that were later used in the Bush doctrine, such as identifying terrorism as a form of warfare and not crime, or fighting regimes that could be seen as sponsors of terror rather than inter-state or transnational organisations (Toaldo, 2012: 3, Tirman, 2006: 3). Elements of the War on Terror, including fatal terrorist strikes, were present during the Cold War. Therefore, we can expect that the experience gained by the U.S. government during the Cold War would reciprocate into the post-2001 War on Terror (Smart, 2005). The desire to be influential, rather than coercive through hard power, was seen as the main weakness that led to the increase of terrorist threat. In the late half of the 1980’s the secretary of state, George Shultz would actively advocate for a more aggressive stance, focusing on Libya in 1986. Scandals during the time made office officials leaning towards isolationism less inclined to act in this new manner. These ideas, however, would inspire the Bush administration in 2001 (Toaldo, 2012: 5), revolving around maintaining a physical presence of military might: â€Å"To be safe, the US must be strong, with strength measured by readily available military might. Yet merely possessing military power does not suffice. Since perceptions shape reality, the US must leave others in no doubt as to its willingness to use power. Passivity invites aggression. Activism, if successful, enhances credibility†(A. Bacevich, 2011). The US administration was interested in maintaining a foothold in the middle-east throughout the entire cold-war period, and the emphasis of the Bush doctrine on its importance is nothing new. The middle-east was an area of confrontation between the two superpowers of the time – The USSR and USA. The US identified the nations in the region as either violent radicals or moderate reformists, with the latter being their allies. Interestingly, the distinction originally used to categorize between areas of US and Soviet influence, saw a revival after 9/11, but this time with terrorists taking the place of the soviets. The philosophy of â€Å"with us or against us†that was so prominent during the Cold War remained a crucial factor affecting US involvement and foreign policy in the region (Harling and Malley, 2010). What is fundamentally different with the new War on Terror, from the acts of terror that happened during the Cold War, is that it was no longer seen within the limits of being a tool in the Global Cold War, but an enemy in itself, since the threat of terrorism did not go away with USSR. The US was once again motivated to take action as soon as it saw a threat to the primacy of American ideals and its status as an absolute superpower (Toaldo, 2012: 23). The War on Terror continues the legacy that was conceived with the Cold War as there are: â€Å"affinities between terrorism and totalitarianism: both regard violence as an appropriate means to their political ends†¦ Both reject the basic moral principles of Judeo-Christian civilization†(Jeanne Kirkpatrick in Toaldo, 2012: 24). Indeed, for the US, similarly to Middle-Eastern terrorists the ‘oriental’ Russian mind was viewed to do nothing more than pretend to be civilized and use this false image to work discret ely in achieving its own ‘barbaric’ ends (Kennan, in Hutchings and Miazhevich, 2009: 4). Larry Diamond (2002) categorizes terrorist groups that pose a threat to the US as the ‘new Bolsheviks’ due to their struggle against the same elements of leading capitalist nations that the ‘old Bolsheviks’ struggled against: corrupt, exploitative alliances and imperialism supported by the ‘West’ with US in charge. This logic is prevalent among large sections of the Muslim world, outside of terrorist groups, that was spared the benefits of post-Cold War world order led by US, because of corruption. Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center can therefore be seen as a symbol of a revolution, similar to that which happened in Russia in 1917: â€Å"Like Hitler, Lenin and other charismatic demagogues before him (ideological enemies of the US), Osama bin Laden offers and alluring explanation: It is the fault of Jews, of the international capitalist system, and of the United States and the globalizing order it is imposing†(Diamond, 2002: 2). As the War on Terror developed, some academics went as far as to see its development a representation of a new Cold War, between post-Yeltsin Russia and the US-led ‘West’. Russia was blamed for its involvement in Afghanistan which resulted in formation of Al Qaeda, and the ‘West’, primarily the US, was blamed for providing the conditions necessary for terrorism to flourish through its intervention in Iraq and desire to form and maintain a form of imperialistic hegemony. In this case, terrorism, even though not under control of any of the sides, can be seen to function as a source of continuing competition and friction between the US and post-soviet Russia. (Hutchings and Miazhevich, 2009: 2). The ‘us versus them’, shows that during the Cold War and after it with the War on Terror, there is a continuity of an ideological confrontation based on competing ideas. Some writers (revisionist historians such Chomsky, Gaddis, Stokes, J. and G. Kolko), took that further, to argue that behind the ideological confrontations which were, and still are so obvious, is hidden the true purpose of the perpetuating conflict of the US with the rest of the ‘non-Western’ world. They see the confrontation as being in place to justify broader geoeconomic interests of US capital. They argue that all along it was â€Å"not the containment of communism, but rather more directly the extension and expansion of American capitalism, according to its new economic power and needs†(Kolko J., and G., 1972: 23). Therefore, we can see the Cold War as structural feature of a much longer period of exploitative relations between advanced capitalist economies and less developed, poorer nations. In order for the US economy to progress after the end of the Cold War confrontation between USSR and US and not stagnate, it had to find another front for its military-industrial complex which generated significant revenue and economic growth for the US. Massive military spending was once again justified when the War on Terror was brought to the table. Between the Cold War and the War on Terror there was a confrontation with Latin American countries which symbolized the continuity of economic interests as guiding foreign policy of the US. Latin America, being rich in natural resources, saw great amounts of US influence which ensured control over the area, preventing egalitarian socioeconomic reform that could potentially threaten US interests (Stokes, 2003). Us involvement in regional governments can be seen with the case of Colombia in the context of the Drug War in 2000 (Stokes, 2003: 577). Arguably we can see that ideology was not the only common theme present in the Cold War and the War on Terror, but there was also a geoeconomic rationale that was guiding US foreign policy from within in both wars. The US was not only interested in promoting democracy, but also in constructing a capitalist world order conductive to its interests (Chomsky, 1997). War on Terror also poses some new challenges to US Foreign Policy, and it is a weakness to discuss it simply from the premise of ideological confrontation and structural, geoeconomic standpoint without giving the necessary attention to its unique nature. Indeed, some scholars do not find the link between US foreign policy during the Cold War and War on Terror convincing. The War on Terror can also be seen resulting from a completely new development in social conditions connected with globalization due to a bridge between Industrial and Information Age. Therefore the war is no longer about ideas or the economy, but against competing global structures symbolized within terrorism. Al Qaeda has become a brand resembling the corruption of Western ideas. Modern Western society now has terrorist networks within its borders with many young terrorists born within its countries fighting against it through symbols of Islam. This is, perhaps, a very important distinction between the Cold War, wh ich was fought between two distinctive camps, and the War on Terror. US foreign policy makers understand this, as globalization and its impacts are discussed within National Security Strategy (Smart, 2005: 3). What is important however is that the American policy-makers still fail to understand the fact that terrorist groups are often not acting as a single organization within a centralized or decentralized structure, they act independently from each other. In Hardt and Negris Empire (2000), the multitude (or people of the modern proletariat) struggle against capitalism independently yet, at the same time, as a group. They do not communicate or organize, but pursue own small goals against the capitalist ‘empire’ system which add on to a greater picture and together represent a greater struggle. What is profoundly different about the War on Terror from the Cold War is that it pioneered this very same principle within terrorism: of many independent actors forming a greater struggle against a system (in this case the Western civilization) through their independent and autonomous actions. Similarities can, without doubt, be seen in US foreign policy during the Cold War and the War on Terror. However these similarities are present even between the two wars, suggesting a pattern for US approach to foreign policy. Ideological, civilizational struggle, going as far as to claim it is still against Russia and America, can be used to describe the stance of US foreign policy in both conflicts just as well as structural economic and internal factors. However, reducing to these two points does not allow us to explain why the US has seen relatively low success in its fight against terrorism. It is a failure to identify the War on Terror in the same way the Cold War has been identified, since the first is fought on a new, rather obscure battleground that we do not yet fully understand against a highly decentralized enemy which is not embodied in any physical representative and works from within modern liberal society, against it. No matter how many similarities there are between the Cold War and the War on Terror, the US cannot fall into a trap of dealing with Terror the same way as it dealt with Communism as this is likely to never remove it, if not make it an even more significant threat. Bibliography: Bacevich, A. (2011), ‘Secretary of Self-Defence‘, Financial Times, 13 February. Chomsky, N. (1997), â€Å"The Political-Economic Order†. In: World Orders, Old and New. Pluto Press: London. Diamond, L. (2002), â€Å"Winning the New Cold War on Terrorism: The Democratic-Governance Imperative†, Institute for Global Democracy, Policy Paper No. 1. Hardt, M. and Negri, A. (2000), Empire. Harvard University Press: USA. The White House (2002), The National Security Strategy of the United States of America. Hutchings, S. and Miazhevich, G. (2009), â€Å"The Polonium trail to Islam: Litvinenko, Liminality, and Television’s (Cold) War on Terror†, Critical Studies on Terrorism, vol. 2 (2). University of Manchester: UK. Kolko, J. and G. (1972), The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945–1954. Harper and Row: New York. Malley, R. and Harling P. (2010), â€Å"Beyond Moderates and Militants: How Obama Can Chart a New Course in the Middle East†, Foreign affairs, September/October. Smart, C. (2005), â€Å"The Global War on Terror: Mistaking Ideology as the Center of Gravity†, Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL), Vol. 8 (5). Stokes, D. (2003), â€Å"Why the end of the Cold War doesn’t matter: the US war of terror in Colombia†, Review of International Studies, vol. 29, pp. 569-585. The White House (2002), The National Security Strategy of the United States Of America. Tirman, J. (2006), â€Å"The War on Terror and the Cold War: They’re Not the Same†, The Audit of Conventional Wisdom, vol. 6 (6). Center for International Studies, MIT: MA. Toaldo, M. (2012), â€Å"The War on Terror and Its Cold War Burdens: An Assessment of the Reagan Legacy†, Wednesday Panel Sessions, June 20th, British International Studies Association. Vrooman, S. (2004), Homeland Security Strategy from the Cold War into the Global War on Terrorism: An Analysis of Deterrence, Forward Presence, and Homeland Defense. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Bacchus and Ariadne Titian: Critical Analysis
Bacchus and Ariadne Titian: Critical Analysis Bacchus and Ariadne Tiziano Vecello, known in the English speaking world as Titian, was born in Cadore which is in the Southern Alps between the years of 1487 -1490. He was born into a family of lawyers and administrators and so enjoyed a relatively privileged upbringing. The early Sixteenth Century saw a flourishing in Italian art. Indeed, set against the span of Art History it was one of the greatest periods and is known by the term â€Å"Cinquecento[1]†and The Venetian Cinquecento masters included Giorgione and Titian. Titian, as a painter, pushed the boundaries of art and its meaning and challenged the pre eminence of the sculptural art form. His paintings are characterised by their ability to capture the qualities to be found in the subject through composition, technique and use of medium. His early influences were seminal. Around 1500, and before he was ten years old, Titian was sent to Venice. He was initially destined to be an apprentice to a mosaicist, Zuccati, but when his master saw he had the ability to draw he was sent to work in a painting school. Titian found himself under the tutorage of the elderly Giovanni Bellini, who was the leading artist in Venice. Whilst working under the Bellinis father and then son Titian was exposed to the new influences that were to be found in the work of the Flemish painters especially in their use of oils and varnish glazes. Bellini softened his landscapes through the use of these techniques. Titian embraced these techniques during these formative years and it soon became apparent he possessed a rare talent eventually out shining his master. The popular and accomplished masters in Venice heavily influenced Titian. As a teenager he worked with Giorgione and it is this influence that is evident in Titians early paintings, such as the ‘Gipsy Madonna in 1510. Four years after the death of Giorgione, Titian decided to start up his own workshop. His career went from strength to strength, precipitated in part by the commission of ‘The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Frari Church. By the age of thirty, Titian was established as the leading artist in Venice; this granted him celebrity status with a European clientele, which included noblemen, merchants and eventually monarchs. Titian started to attract the attention of famous Italian Patrons, such as the Renaissance family DEste from Ferrara. The DEste family originally commissioned ‘The Triumph of Bacchus to be painted by Raphael who had been paid in advance for the work but unfortunately Raphael had only completed a preliminary sketch before he died in 1520. This commission was then assumed by Titian and led to the production of five paintings that were to hang in the Camerino room, a private luxury apartment in the Ferrara Place. Titian was sought after and by an impressive list of patrons and esteemed clientele such as the Holy Roman Emperor, the Pope and Charles the 5th. Titian was now in a position to pick and choose his commissions. He was known as the â€Å"Lomazzo described him as the sun amidst small stars not only among the Italians but all the painters of the world†[2]. An illustration of the esteem with which he was held is quoted by Titians early biographers â€Å"even the Emper or Charles V picked up the paint brush Titian had dropped[3]†. Titian was as an outstanding draughtsman regarded on a par with Michelangelos genius. A milestone in Titians career was his appointment as a court painter. He became a member of the â€Å"Order of the Golden Spire[4]†, which gave him the rights of a courtier. Titian lived a long and prosperous life and died on the 27th of August 1576. He was laid to rest in the very church in Frari, which was home to his ‘The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The very painting that marked the start of Titians glorious carrier as one of the most influential Venetian painters in Italian history. One of Titians most remarkable paintings is hanging in The National Gallery in London. This is the painting of Bacchus and Ariadne, which was completed around 1520-23. This painting was commissioned by Duke Alfonso DEste who ordered a set of five paintings for his private room in his palace at Ferrara. The series was known as one of the high points in Italian Renaissance art. This diagram shows the exact location in the Camerino room where the painting of Bacchus and Ariadne (No 1) would have hung. Showing that the painting was above a door in the private room. It also illustrates that the painting would experience light through the window at dusk and dawn, illuminating the painting at the start and the end of the day. This would make it the focal point in the room, hung to its best advantage so that its owner, Alfonso DEste could enjoy his passion and indulge his love for the Greek and Roman style of paintings. The other paintings in the room also commissioned by Titian are as follows: 1) Bacchus and Ariadne; 2) The Andrians; 3) The feast of the Gods; 4) Bacchanal with Vulcan and lastly the 5) is The Worship of Venus. Three of the five paintings are dedicated to exuberant feasts and falling in love. Titian derived most of his painting from Greek and Roman literature. The story of Bacchus and Ariadne was specifically drawn from the classical writers Ovid and Catullus. In fact Titian often depicted scenes that were inspired by Classical Mythology and that feature Bacchanalian scenes. The painting illustrates the moment in classical myth when Ariadne is stranded on a desert island. Bacchus the god of wine is riding in his chariot when he stumbles across her. The picturesque landscape with the receding sea touching the magical coastline gracefully lends itself as a fitting backdrop to this magical, chance rendezvous. The painting depicts the moment the lovers meet for the first time: â€Å"She, then, pitifully looking out at the receding boat,/ wounded, was spinning convoluted cares in her mind./ Then came swooping from somewhere Bacchus in his prime/ his cult of Satyrs, with his mountain-born Sileni,/ seeking you, Ariadne, aflame with love for you†[5]. This poem by Catullus, describes a covering on the royal marriage bed, embroidered with scenes from the legend. The King of Crete had a daughter named Ariadne. She is one of the main characters depicted in this painting on the left. She abandoned her home to follow the Athenian Theseus, with who she was in love. Although she had helped Theseus escape Crete and the ferocious wrath of the Minotaur, Theseus abandons Ariadne on this island of Naxons. His ship is still visible in the distance as he sails off. The ship acts as a symbol to the viewer of lost love. Naxos is where the painting is set and captures the moment that a new lover in the form of Bacchus the God of Intoxication enters her life. It is clear from the expression on Ariadnes face that she is still grieving for Theseus but is also startled by the God of Inspiration and Intoxication accompanied by his Satyrs. The story continues with Bacchus instantly falling in love with Ariadne and convincing her that if she will marry him, her wedding present will be that when she dies he will take her wedding diadem, raise it to the havens and turn it into a constellation in the sky. This symbolises their union. The stars that are visible above Ariadnes head in the painting represent this. This painting holds all the key elements of a joyful, energetic and manic love, which takes the traditional subject matter of art mythology and revitalises it. From looking at Bacchus we can see the intensity of his passion. The most shocking, unusual and visually interesting part of this picture is the way in which Bacchus is frozen in time and that his stare is tangible. The wild party and entourage seem to be paused in their frivolities, some critics think that this parallels a brief but paused moment in Titians own career. Titian always manages to portray a sense of unity within his paintings even though his contemporaries at the time would have unfavourably judged his work and thought it disjointed, even going so far as to call it lopsided, a comment made about the portrait of a ‘Young Englishman. But he managed to balance his pictures using light and colour and form and the result is he â€Å"fused beauty and harmony to marry with Greek and Roman antiquity[6]†. This fusion and unity is clear once the elements of this painting are broken down. The calm blue waters to the left of the painting balance the riotous satyrs and maenads who are carrying the symbols of Bacchus cult. He also used complimentary colours in this painting, red, green, blue and orange as it equalises the overall impact of the piece to the viewer. The painting is given depth and perspective by the use and colour of the sea surrounding Naxos. The deep blue is heightened by the orange complementarities, which stand in sta rk contrast to the reds and greens. Although the art form is often thought to be merely about colour, arrangement and drawing, Titian thought about the nature of what he was trying to depict. Titian was a master of vibrant exuberant Venetian colour and this painting is a glorious celebration of ‘colour balance. This new way of thinking signified the shift of art into a new realm. Amongst his contemporaries Titian was seen to break the traditional rules of composition. This colour experimentation is seen in the painting of Ariadne, which almost gives the illusion that the painting is lit from behind, giving the feeling of luminosity. Titians skills and techniques are quite extraordinary and he can almost turn oil paint into flesh while strongly portraying the characters physical expressiveness. It is thought that the satyr struggling with the snakes which is depicted in Bacchus and Ariadne is based on a classical sculpture discovered in 1506, ‘Laocoà ¶n in the Vatican. There is much symbolism that can be derived from this picture in the National. There are the obvious clues that are distinctly visible to the viewer, such as the starry crown to the left of the picture and Theseusship. But there are also hidden meanings that can be coded from studying certain aspect of the picture. The frivolous company of maenads and stryrs that are carrying symbolic items that distinguish Bacchus cult. For instance the satyr that is covered in grapevines is waving a bulls leg whilst the bacchante is waving a tambourine, adding to the sense of riotous joy and exothermic energetic excitement. The viewer can also see that these two members of the carnival are looking at each other, mirroring Bacchus and Ariadne. This rebellious, drunken procession is fuelled with power, aggression and a hint of violence shown by the severed calfs head. As if the company have ripped the animal part in the state of frenzy. This calfs head is being dragged by the baby satyr who is hal f man and half goat. He seems to be leading the procession but give the impression that he is not involved in the commotion. The formal leader of this rabble, Bacchuss foster-father is depicted as the fat Silenus at the back. He is sleeping off his hangover whilst still rounded on his donkey. Silenus depiction injects humour into the painting, as we can see his companions trying to prevent him from falling off his donkey. These smaller figures add a sense of distance and the three bigger figures in the foreground, lead the eye backwards into the landscape as we follow the orthogonal lines resulting in a triangle of perspective and depth. The Sixteenth Century marked a unique era in Venetian style painting, which stood in stark contrast to the traditional characteristics of design and draftmanship commonly found in Italian art. This new style, pioneered by Titan, focused on colour, light and sensuality. It was not just the new subject matter and pigments that were in this state of flux, Titian pioneered new techniques in oil painting. Venice was renowned for its damp, changeable climate and as a result the ancient practise of fresco painting was rendered almost impossible. This affected the painters artistic creativity, which resulted in Titian and his peers favouring oil paints on canvas rather than board. But it was in the use of oil that Titian surpassed all other painters. Titian also was able to draw upon the rich literature of the Ancients and he used its subjects as sources of inspiration as in another painting ‘Europa which was based upon the themes to be found in the Metamorphoses of Ovid extended by a contemporary of Titians the poet Poliziano. Titian gained from studying other artists and incorporated ideas from well-known pieces of classical sculpture. His painting of Bacchus and Ariadne is a triumph of artistic skill and composition with an iconic, freeze frame pose that is instantly recognisable. Through his work Titian is considered one of the most talented painters of the Italian Renaissance and his influence is to be found on painting throughout the subsequent centuries. Bibliography E.H. Gombrich. (1995) ‘The Story Of Art: London: Phaidon. Patrick De Rynck. ‘How to read a painting, published by Thames and Hudson (London) July 2004. B Cole. (1984) ‘From Pisano to Titian: Boulder: Westview Press. C.Hope, J Fletcher. J Dunkerton (2003) ‘Titian: London National Gallery P Humfrey ‘The Age of Titian: Edinburgh: National Galleries of Scotland Visual Arts Film. (1989) Great Artists Titian. Great Artists Titian. Available at [1] E.H.Gombrich The Story Of Art (1995) p287,329. [2] Giovanni Boccaccio The famous final line of Dantes Paradiso, Dante Alighieri 1308-1321, [3] E.H.Gombrich The Story Of Art (1995) p331 [4] Great Artists-Titian, Televised Autobiography [5] Catullus, The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis 64:249-264 trans. T.Banks. [6] E.H.Gombrich The Story of Art (1995) p368.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Everyone needs a family to love :: essays research papers
It was no coincidence that I met a very wise person in my life. Now this person I found was always there for me! Wherever I went I knew they were in my heart to help me out, just to make things clear I’m not talking about God (even tough he is very wise and trustworthy) I’m talking about my family, the ones that have raised me since I was small and helped me through my life to get where I am today! They were the ones I knew I could count on to help me, but in the beginning I took them for granted and just there to live with and feed me, I never thought they would help me the was have! Well I was just sitting down with my dad and having a conversation about life, which soon ended up as an argument and the meanie that he is, I got grounded and had to do community project work for 4 whole months(BORING!!!). Now you see my dad is a very strict and did anything for his community and was always a few centuries behind, but he was the one that got me to find the real me! Well on the first day of my ‘community service’ I had to clean up the beach, which I found EXTREMLY boring! On the second day I did the same thing and did the same thing for 3 whole months. But on the fourth month I was told I was going to a work at an AIDS Children Orphanage, it sounded better than the beach so I went there. As soon as I walked in I could here all the children screaming with joy as another person came in to play to feed to teach them! These children looked as if they had no worry in the world, they didn’t know they were very sick they just knew they wanted to learn and play with people so much, some of the didn’t know what it was like to have a mother, a farther, but they seen to live just as well, but they needed that extra bit of love that your parents give. I found out that day how blessed I was to have a loving family always there to back me up, before I took them for granted I thought they were a waist of time I could live without them, which is true I could look at those children, but I realised that my family gives me that sense of security and of hope.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Abuse :: essays research papers
The study of interobserver reliability tested the level of agreement among child welfare workers on the presence or absence of emotional abuse and several other forms of neglect and child abuse. Contrary to expectations, soaring levels of accurate identification and agreement was attained. Regardless of the high level of interobserver reliability, the validity of the notion is questioned. Training for the sample used in the study is evidently effective.      Interobserver reliability is one of the dominant issues facing child protective service workers. Its importance escalates as the signs of the neglect or abuse become more abstract and less obvious. The main concern of interobserver reliability is if multiple observers concur on the presence or absence of a particular happening. The level of agreement will be overwhelmingly affected by the transparency of the definitions of abuse and neglect and the extent to which staff are trained in their application. At least one other study raised concerns about this issue because it applies to various aspects of child protective services information processing and definition. A national organization has been formed to fight false accusations called â€Å"VOCAL†(Victims of Child Abuse Laws).      In the early phases of the child protective services movement, physical abuse was their main concern. Decades later other types of abuse with unclear indicators have come to prominence, such as emotional abuse and neglect. Emotional abuse and neglect are abstract concepts and provide the basis for concern as to whether child protective service workers can always identify them with given common information, especially when they are among other forms of abuse and neglect.      There are problems in defining emotional abuse and neglect, just as there are problems in defining any type of child maltreatment. The definition of child maltreatment should include only seriously harmful behaviors and outcomes. Protective policies and systems should be utilized only to enforce societal sanctions, not to enforce ideal standards of care giving.      Psychological maltreatment of children and youth consists of acts of omission and commission, which are judge on the basis of a combination of community standards and professional expertise to be psychologically damaging. Individuals commit such acts, singly or collectively, who by their characteristics (knowledge, status, or organizational form) are in a position of differential power that renders a child ‘s vulnerability. Such acts damage immediately or ultimately the behavioral, cognitive, affective, or physical functioning of the child.
Thanksgiving Day Essay examples -- Descriptive Writing Examples, Observ
Thanksgiving Day I stepped out of the chilly November air and into the warmth of my home. The first snowfall of the year had hit early in the morning, and the soft, powdery snow provided entertainment for hours. As I laid my furry mittens and warm hat on the bench to dry, I was immediately greeted with the rich scent of sweet apple pie, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and the twenty-pound turkey my mother was preparing for our Thanksgiving feast. As I walked into the family room, I could feel the gentle heat of the crackling fire begin to sooth my frostbitten cheeks. I plopped myself down on the sofa. The soft cushions felt like heaven to my muscles, sore from building snowmen, riding sleds, and throwing snowballs from behind the impenetrable fort. As I lay there resting, I closed my eyes and just soaked in the joyous sounds of the holiday. I could hear my father chatting with my grandmother, reminiscing of childhood memories and the joy of raising kids. Soft acoustic guitar melodies from the stereo sounded above the snapping and crackling of the fire. The ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Religious Toleration Essay
In early Europe, many places established a strong sense of church. This was normally established by the ruler and how the ruler thought the land should practice. When the Protestant reformation came around, this boiled up many different controversies with toleration. The 16th to 18th centuries saw a lot of diverse arguments and practices concerning religious toleration. From different people all over, the ideas varied greatly with some people only wanting their religions to exist, others giving some leeway for other religions to live on, while some compromising for the good of their own people or followers. Toleration was accepted by some and rejected by others in Europe. William Prince of Orange wanted to ensure to keep his country safe so his proclamation to the people of the Netherlands stating that religious toleration was needed so Spain could not potentially harm them, therefore tolerance was a way to keep the peace inside their country (DOC 2). In 1649, the _Agreement of the Free People of England_ pamphlet wrote on how the anguish of persecution is caused by religious problems (Doc 6). Voltaire, a French writer and philosopher, writes about how if one religion was allowed in England the government could become heavily tyrannical therefore he states that religious toleration would bring peace and let people live happily (DOC 11). No toleration from the some of the Roman and French people was evident against the Protestants. King Louis XIV of France in 1685 forbids the subjects of Protestant religion in any place because of the evils, troubles, and confusion in his country, therefore he doesn’t believe Protestants should be allowed anywhere under any circumstances (DOC 8). Going completely against what Luther believes, Maria Theresa has her belief that if there is no subordination in the church, how will people live? Putting salvation at stake when bringing other religions into the picture is what outraged many people in the sixteenth to eighteenth century (Doc 12). A French Catholic aristocrat, Paul Hay du Chastelet, wanted to give his opinion and pleas that the unity of one belief binds the men together and keeps all the men at the same altar who will rarely fight each other, therefore the princes are obligated to pick the religion of the region they are in charge of (DOC 7). The two most discussed topic in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries would be the toleration and non-toleration of religions. Some people made compromises so there was no fighting or keeping the peace between people. Glabbais in 1691 opens up a new Catholic church and states that no offense between the Protestants and Catholics will happen when going to and from church. Also, there will be a specific meeting place for Catholics so no trouble is caused (Doc 9). Also, when King Henry IV of France wrote the famous Edict of Nantes, it permitted reformed religions to live in the places of his Kingdom. The Edict explains how the people of the reformed religion will keep everything contained (Doc 5). The other way the compromise was achieved was through keeping the religions separated. This meant that one religion would be observed quietly and peacefully in their home. This was mostly accommodated to the Lutherans and the Lutherans had to stay where their religion thrives (Doc 10). The religious toleration in the 16th through 18th centuries brought a lot of talk between the arguments and practices of religions. There were people who agreed that religion should all coexist together, have only one practice control everyone, or some with a compromise for the good of their own people. Religious tolerance was a term that was debated and capitalized on for most states and Kingdoms during the Protestant Reformation.
Friday, August 16, 2019
My First Day in School
Today also when I recall my old memories of school I become delighted and happy. First day of my school when I admitted in class I. When first time I entered in my school numerous felling were aroused in my mind and i was felling nervous and bit tensed. Although I was not a brilliant student not knowing even alphabets my teachers helped me in learning the alphabetsThat was the time when my first class began Manisha Ma’am entered in the class room every student stood up and greeted good morning Ma’am in return Ma’am replied very good morning sit down I also followed them Ma’am teaches us alphabets and how to use those alphabets in formulating the sentences and words then bell rang Ma’am went outside. Again next teacher entered in the class room and we stood up and greeted good morning Ma’am. Ma’am did not recognised my face as she had never seen me before in the class she immediately asked me the question very politely â€Å"Is this yo ur first class? I replied yes Ma’am then she asked my name I answered â€Å"Rashda Khanam†she said ok Rashda sit down her name was Priyanka very soft, polite and beautiful too. Again the bell rang this time nobody entered in the class room and every student went away along with their lunch box. My mother also gave me the lunch box filled with alu paratha and tomatao chutney. I opened the box and started eating, suddenly my one of my classmate again entered in the class room and said me very politely â€Å"why are you seating alone? come outside I went outside with her along with my lunch box and water bottle hanging in my neck, we all shared our lunch and I became friendly with everybody in the first day of my school, bell rang recess over every body were settled down at their respective places and waiting for the next teacher to come, within 5 mins miss Angilee entered in the class room and asked for the assignment she assigned previous day I found the teacher trict I was seating silently, miss wrote some arithmetics on the blackboard 45 mins passed bell rang every body came out from the class waited for their guardian at the door to come and took them. I saw my father was standing outside with chocolate ice-cream my favourite and then happily I reached my home and shared my first day experience with my parents. So this was my first day school and I am very pleased in recalling that day.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Toll of Stockholm Syndrome in the African American Society
â€Å"The Toll of Stockholm Syndrome in the African American Society†One of the effects of slavery on the African American people is the Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome by definition is the feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor. Another name used for this is the slave loyalty syndrome. Once slavery seemed to become a way of the world in America, some slaves grew forms of sympathy for their slave owners. While slavery became a way of life for slaves, some slave owners made their slaves feel a part of their family.On some plantations, there were slaves that could have been in the family for many years. Those slaves could have raised the owner, the owner’s parents, and the owner’s grandparents in turn may have gotten special treatment from the owners. Some owners confide in the family slaves, and those slaves did not see that they were being used for information. Those slaves may have fe lt that they are actually a part of their master’s family. Once feeling that they belonged, some slaves felt that they could be equal with their owners.By seeing the ways of the trade, some slaves wanted to own something of their own. Even though Stockholm syndrome by definition is a terrible thing, it evolved into the civil rights movement. All slaves who were affected by the Stockholm syndrome may not feel as if they were a part of the master’s family. They may have felt empathy as well as sympathy. There could have been things happening in the master’s house that gave slaves understanding. So instead of feeling like animals, the slaves related.They related to make them know that they deserved equal opportunities. The Stockholm syndrome affected the history of the African American people. Even though some slaves were the whistle blowers of the other slaves, there were some slaves that did feel a certain way towards their owners, but it encouraged other feeling s. Those feeling developed into justice and equality for all. Those slaves taught those beliefs to their children and their grandchildren which helped change not only African American history, but the entire American history. The Toll of Stockholm Syndrome in the African American Society â€Å"The Toll of Stockholm Syndrome in the African American Society†One of the effects of slavery on the African American people is the Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome by definition is the feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor. Another name used for this is the slave loyalty syndrome. Once slavery seemed to become a way of the world in America, some slaves grew forms of sympathy for their slave owners. While slavery became a way of life for slaves, some slave owners made their slaves feel a part of their family.On some plantations, there were slaves that could have been in the family for many years. Those slaves could have raised the owner, the owner’s parents, and the owner’s grandparents in turn may have gotten special treatment from the owners. Some owners confide in the family slaves, and those slaves did not see that they were being used for information. Those slaves may have fe lt that they are actually a part of their master’s family. Once feeling that they belonged, some slaves felt that they could be equal with their owners.By seeing the ways of the trade, some slaves wanted to own something of their own. Even though Stockholm syndrome by definition is a terrible thing, it evolved into the civil rights movement. All slaves who were affected by the Stockholm syndrome may not feel as if they were a part of the master’s family. They may have felt empathy as well as sympathy. There could have been things happening in the master’s house that gave slaves understanding. So instead of feeling like animals, the slaves related.They related to make them know that they deserved equal opportunities. The Stockholm syndrome affected the history of the African American people. Even though some slaves were the whistle blowers of the other slaves, there were some slaves that did feel a certain way towards their owners, but it encouraged other feeling s. Those feeling developed into justice and equality for all. Those slaves taught those beliefs to their children and their grandchildren which helped change not only African American history, but the entire American history.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Benefits of computing gross profit on sales in contrast to contribution margin
The computation of gross profit on sales, which can be derived under the absorption costing approach, is a profitability measure normally conducted under financial analysis. This accounting ratio outlines the gross profit generated from every $100 of sales. Such measure is highly useful in financial analysis, because it provides indications on the profitability potential and cost efficiency of the company. For instance, if there was an increase in sales of 10%, but the gross profit margin declined by 4%.This indicates that the cost efficiency of the organization deteriorated during the period. Such analysis cannot be conducted under the contribution margin approach, because gross profit is not present. However, under the contribution margin approach one can calculate the contribution to sales ratio which indicates the contribution determined from every $100 of sales. This would also provide indications on the control of variable costs once compared over time.Difference in Net Income arising from different approaches. In the example of ABC Company the profit under the two methods is the same. However, this is not always the case. Profits under the two methods differ whenever there is movement in inventory. This is due to the fact that since under the absorption costing technique fixed manufacturing costs are included in the cost of goods sold, a proportion of fixed costs will be included in inventory leading to such a difference.Contribution margin approach not allowable for external reporting. The contribution margin approach, despite being highly useful to provide valuable information for decision making, is not acceptable for external reporting. This is due to the fact that it does not comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). For example, under the GAAP the income statement layout should clearly outline the gross profit made by the company. Under the contribution margin method this is not highlighted.Another important reason why the ab sorption approach is allowable for external reporting and not the contribution approach is due to the way in which the income statement is classified. The GAAP state that the income statement is classified by function, like under the absorption method. In the contribution approach it is classified by cost behavior. Indeed separation between fixed and variable costs is made under such method. This conflicts with another requirement of the GAAP. Reference: Drury C. (1996). Management and Cost Accounting. Fourth Edition. New York: International Thomson Business Press.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Strategic Management Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Strategic Management - Article Example The article looks at various issues concerning strategic management at various organizations. For instance, the article addresses the concern of why some CEOs remain in office during a performance downturn while other managers don’t. This they argue through a social status perspective which is a key highlight in strategic management. The authors argue that a personal board channel embeddedness – as reflected in the sum of outside directorships – plays an essential role in dismissal management decisions. Furthermore, the authors predict that a high status of the managers relative to the COB protects unproductive CEO against dismissal during the comparative salience of board network outsiders always counters this impacts, in the long run. This is done so well by the author through data from German. Despite the fact the fact that the article may be partly criticized for the inability to offer sufficient data, the article is good in addressing contemporary issues in strategic management. The article helps address concerns that arise during depression and as such offers long lasting solutions. The article is also focused on improvement and further development of various theories and practice of strategic management. One can also argue that it is well detailed and designed to appeal to both practicing CEOs and academicians in the
Monday, August 12, 2019
Writting a letter to the president Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writting a letter to the president - Essay Example While I was watching the movie, I kept thinking of my own country, Korea. It reminded me a lot about my own people’s similar experience under the Japanese, who still denies the allegation even until now. In addition, it did not help that the Korean government was not trying their best to prove it. Nevertheless, I believe people ought to be aware that instances like these happened, and is probably still happening albeit subtly, in countries like Canada, Korea and even in the United States. I am writing to the President of Korea, hoping to accomplish 2 things: first is to ask him to watch the same movie and get the picture of how the First Nations people in Canada have been treated; and second is to make him see the bigger picture of it all – the similar (but under different circumstances) situation that Korea has experienced. When, hopefully, he does see this things, he will also realize that cases like these have to be stopped and prevented, even and most especially in this present generation. Hello. My name is Seungeun Lee and I a Korean who loves my country so much. It would be such an honor to talk and propose my thought with you. Please listen to this young student as everyone knows you are a wise leader. I have been a student in Canada for four years now. While I am studying here, I found the story about the First Nation in Canada. It is interesting because they had been through the struggle time as the Koreans. And while people are learning about what happened to them through books, there is this one movie that I think will also let us see a glimpse of the experiences of the First Nation in Canada. The movie is entitled Where the Spirit Lives, and if you watch this you will see what I am talking about. Basically, the First Nation in Canada was forced to lose their identity by Canadian government during 1930’s. The government thought that they were uncivilized and doing a favor for them, when all the while was that they were destroying them. In
Gender Diversity at the workplace in the Financial Industry Dissertation
Gender Diversity at the workplace in the Financial Industry - Dissertation Example This is mostly due to the perception that the female employees tend to have low level of skills therefore they should not be deal with more complex needs of the clients. It is also due to this reason that women are specifically assigned to the roles which are people specific but requires very little or moderate level of skills. This research study adapted the qualitative research approach to understand and explore as to how women face the discrimination in the financial services industry. Introduction Diversity is a relatively diverse concept with different variables being included in the workplace diversity. These variables range from gender, race as well as cultural backgrounds and values each of different variables having strategic importance for the firm. It is therefore critical that the firms must develop their strategic HRM strategies in a manner which value diversity and gender equality. The aim of this dissertation is to show the benefits and importance of women at workplace in general and specifically in financial industry. . Financial industry is going through some strategic changes with many international firms are making layoffs in order to be more competitive and sustain their profitability. What is also important to note that financial services industry is relatively male dominated though at the customer services level as well as the client dealing level, many women work as important employees of the organization. Since financial industry typically operates in a manner that on one hand, it has to deal with the retail customers face to face whereas for its corporate customers it has a relatively different setup. Typical firms in financial services industry include banks, securities firms, and insurance as well as real estate sectors. The overall composition of the workforce in the financial industry therefore varies from particular sector of the industry. Financial industry is typically considered as an industry which requires risk taking and it i s generally believed that men are better at managing risks as compared to women. It is however, critical to note that these trends are now changing with women are increasingly managing large investment amounts. These trends indicate that financial institutions are willing to attract and retain the female employees. The fact that organizations like UBS and Goldman Sachs have female executives indicates that the large organizations in the financial services industry are willing to attract and retain female employees. Despite the fact that women form important part of the overall workforce in financial services industry however, gender inequality as well as gaps is relatively higher in the industry as compared to other sectors of the economy. Issues such as pay gaps are common in the financial services industry. Equality and Human Rights Commission has specifically highlighted the gender inequality within the financial services industry. The commission conducted investigation regarding the persistent sex discrimination as well as the pay unequal pay and highlighted strong evidence about the industry practices. Various other surveys have also highlighted specially the issue of unequal pay between men and women working in the financial services industry critically highlighting the need to boost the morale of
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Importance of nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Importance of nursing - Essay Example This time should also be time that you are certain that there will be no interruptions, enabling you to focus and concentrate on the material. The use of a calendar can help you record all important due dates at a glance without consulting your class material; using a calendar such as one on your cell phone can remind you at any time of deadlines when you get off schedule as many do with life’s uncontrollable circumstance’s that come up. My area of weakness is the effective use of technology, though I am able to navigate easily it would be beneficial to me to learn more of the capabilities of programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other tools which are required in many classes. The use of online tutorials is a great way to become more adept at using these programs to improve the quality of my work. AACN essentials include the ability to translate knowledge and theory into practice with accuracy, efficiency and quickly (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). Leadership and organizational skills as well as the ability to communicate effectively with patients while caring for patients using evidence-based practice are necessary; evidenced based practice requires an understanding of scholarship and research. Graduates must use information systems and technology within the healthcare setting and remain up to date on the latest clinical guidelines and standards of practice. Graduates should also be advocates for patient rights, while promoting health through risk reduction. Personal academic goals include obtaining specialty focused competencies and advocating for changes in health care policy. To reach these goals I must be knowledgeable on current research studies and current health care policy. This will enable me to apply my knowledge in areas where there is a lack of qualified evidenced based care and to advocate for
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Research Paper
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Research Paper Example There are unique behaviors associated with ADHD. Some of these include difficulties in maintaining focus, becoming easily distracted, a child being easily bored, difficulties in becoming organized and completing a specific task, daydreaming etc. Research indicates that ferritin is one of the major contributors to these behavioral problems that are reported by both the teachers and parents. Iron contributes largely towards brain development. As a result, ADHD has been potentially linked with ID for different reasons. First, it is a disorder that appears during early childhood periods. Second, studies have linked ADHD to dopaminergic dysfunction. Nevertheless, iron supplements were found to have been attenuating ADHD symptoms in children with ID. There have been different opinions of if oral contraceptives affect bone density in reproductive-aged women. Research was conducted and a conclusion was reached that oral contraceptives have no change on the bone density therefore erasing fears that these drugs might have been causing ADHD in children In conclusion, iron is an important component in brain development of a child. In addition, it contributes heavily to the formation of body neurons. As a result, expectant mothers are expected to take a balanced diet in order to supply the fetus with enough iron.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Critically assess the use of environmental principles in environmental Assignment
Critically assess the use of environmental principles in environmental law - Assignment Example At present, the guidelines of the international environmental law play an imperative part that imposes considerable impact upon the notion of sustainable development. Environmental evaluation is quite essential for upholding the sustainable development of society as well as useful for establishing necessary laws related to environment. Apart from the factor of global warming, the aspect of climate change also contributes largely upon affecting the natural environment by a greater extent. Since the year 1960, several environmentalists took significant initiatives for reducing pollution, cleaning up the wastes, implementing strict laws for every individual of different nation, minimizing wastage products and introducing recyclable materials for the manufacturing of new products. In the year 1969, United States National Environmental policy Act referred that every societal member must follow the environmental laws in order to mitigate the impact of global warming. The major reason for e stablishing the international environmental regulation is for addressing social as well as environmental factors that have been considered as the root cause of global warming. By taking into concern the present environmental situation, it has been apparently observed that there has been drastic increase of pollution due to huge augmentation of carrier vehicles and industrial wastes. In order to make control of all these environmental aspects, lawyers and various environmentalists implement certain effectual environmental principles in order to create awareness about preserving the nature within the community people (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2012). This paper intends to critically assess the execution of environmental principles in environmental law concerning different significant aspects. These aspects include the different principles relating to environmental law, environmental regulation and protection along with international and European Environmental La w. Principles of Environmental Law Polluter Pays Principle The ‘Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)’ is considered as an effectual guideline concerning the environmental policy. This policy implies that community people must take deliberate initiatives towards preventing the increased level of pollution. The major objective of the ‘PPP’ is to internalizing the external activities of environment so that every community people can become quite conscious towards maintaining the cleanliness of nature. The principle of international environmental law was initiated in the year 1972 and it is recommended by ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’. OECD is recognized as a council that established the guidelines concerning international environmental law. The council stated that these guidelines should be executed for assigning the costs that are incurred for the prevention of pollution. Moreover, the council also introduced as well as implemented certain crucial initiatives with the intention of properly utilising the limited environmental resources (Lucia, 2010). The core meaning of the PPP is that any polluter should incur the costs in relation to the safeguard and the control
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